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Friday, September 30, 2011

New York Panel Wants Taxpayers To Foot The Bill For Gender Reassignment Surgery

A state panel advising New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wants taxpayers to foot the bill for transgender residents to get "sexual reassignment surgery," allowing them to change their physical characteristics from a man to a woman or woman to man, The New York Post reported Thursday.

"Provide Medicaid coverage for transgender surgery/hormone replacement therapy and treatment," read the proposal submitted by the state's health disparities work group.

The panel is submitting recommendations to Cuomo's Medicaid Redesign Team for possible inclusion in the governor's budget plan.

A state Health Department spokesman confirmed that requiring Medicaid to cover gender reassignment surgery is being considered.

1 comment:

  1. This is RIDICULOUS. Medicaid is for people who can't afford insurance (among other things), so shouldn't they be more worried about sustaining a home and food! Damn liberals.


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