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Friday, September 09, 2011

Mixed Messages On Gay Marriage: Victory Likely But Not Inevitable

Conflicting -- though supporting -- views of gay marriage legislation were aired at Wednesday evening’s Equality Maryland fundraiser honoring state officials. Same-sex marriage will ultimately prevail in Maryland, said the attorney general. Equality for committed gay couples is “not inevitable” and will require lots of hard work, said the lieutenant governor.

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  1. This country is really declining.

  2. Yes, Massachusetts has really declined since they passed gay marriage in 2003!

    Their divorce rates are the lowest in the country, and the state rates first in childhood education! Ooooooooo! Scary gay marriage--how dare loving, committed couples seek out civil legal equality!

  3. What do your slanted facts have to do with the moral decline. Besides Massachusetts is not the lowest but it is low but gay marriage hasn't been around very long. But if that's your measure of success you can't claim anything until they break down by real marriage or gay marriage.

  4. Gays are becoming the scourge of society.

  5. Barnie Franks and Obama will make love tonight to cellebrate this.

  6. Say what you will but here goes. Gods word says it is sinful and if a man be with another man they should both be stoned to death. Thats what it says read for yourself if you can knock all the
    dust off of your Bible.

  7. sins are forgiven
    christians cheat and steel and covet and do the dirty boogie too behind closed doors wives go down and some take it up the shoot all in the dark
    the faithful need be reminded it is up to GOD to judge and otherwise it is none of any mortals business too imagine the sins of others
    just who is the dirty of spirit
    what some suspect and assume others are doing maybe greater when they really don't know for sure
    it was once morally excepted to marry your 13 year old cousin
    perhaps that tradition has something to do with the malice of the con-temporary faithful

  8. 2:21 that's quite a twisted story, But God is clear on the idea of homosexuality as evident by Sodom and Gomorrah you only forgive sins when the sinner is repentant. There have been many who have overcome the perversion and now live a Heterosexual life.


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