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Monday, September 12, 2011

Knocked $30 Off My Cable Bill Just By Asking

I've been hearing how the ol' "threaten to cancel to get your cable bill reduced" ploy is "dead" but I decided to give negotiating with the cable company a shot. I got my monthly bill reduced by $30, and, indirectly related to my conversation with them, somehow also got free HBO. Schweet.

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  1. They tell you lots of stuff on the phone. Then you get your bill and nothing has changed or they change it once or twice then suddenly it is back to the old rate.

  2. I just lowered my bill and got free HBO for a year!

  3. I called them 2 weeks ago and told them that I needed help or I would be forced to change companies. My bill was higher than my electric bill and that just isn't smart. They immediately gave me another rate of about $30 less...for a year. They definitely don't want to lose people because of cost.

  4. We called them about a year ago when my husband lost his job. They didn't give a hoot nor did they want to work with you about anything so we canceled everything but basic cable. Now they call once a month to try to get us to upgrade. They must be losing a lot of customers since I see many more advertisement for specials. The only problem is the ads are messed up. The picture and the sound are off sync. Thanks for nothing Mediacom.

  5. I am glad somebody can get a deal. Everytime I get ready to pay my bill it is higher. No reason for it because all I got extra was duplicate channels and 3/4th of them I don't even watch. Why don't they give us choices?


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