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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Federal Debt As Criminal Scam, The Federal Reserve As Criminal Syndicate

The Federal Reserve is a criminal syndicate buying debt that the government eagerly creates and sells for spending money that dumps the debt on us civilians. What perplexes me is that the scam is so simple and all the intellectuals either don’t get it or are handcuffed by mega-corporate media owners.

The scam in simple terms:

1. Uncle Sam borrows money from The Fed, China, oil exporters, Bank of England, etc. by selling Treasury bonds

2. You are responsible for the bonds, i.e. IOUs

3. Uncle Sam collects taxes and pays the bondholders

4. The debt is breaking us; life will not be the same in the years to come


1 comment:

  1. Maybe the math is too hard for 47% of the people who think obama and the government is doing a great job. I WOULD say that these 47% will be screaming about the tax bite from their paychecks in a few years, as this debt obama has created (not Bush --- obama) begins to REALLY hurt, but then I realize that the 47% don't get PAYCHECKS. I also wonder if our country will even BE a country in 10-15 years. Yes it IS that bad. Anyone with any sense can see what we are fiscally, socially, economically, and politically headed for and it is NOT GOOD, no matter how the numbers are added up. When the Democratic mayor of New York City goes on radio and says if we don't get a handle on unemployment and the rest of our economic woes, there is a very real possibility of riots in cities across the nation, you BETTER start paying attention. It AIN'T Fox News sounding the alarm this time, is it?????


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