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Friday, September 02, 2011

Evidence Suggests Cover-Up In ATF Scandal, As More Guns Appear At Crime Scenes

Just hours after the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, federal officials tried to cover up evidence that the gun that killed Terry was one the government intentionally helped sell to the Mexican cartels in a weapons trafficking program known as Operation Fast and Furious.

The revelation comes just days after a huge shake-up of government officials who oversaw the failed anti-gun trafficking program and Congress renewed its demand for more answers.



  1. IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE_IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH__this is beyond treason. The Obama regime is GOING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS by hook or by crook! People better wake up--the only thing that keeps us free is our right to defend ourself with guns!

  2. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant be true.

  3. "What we’re still waiting for are the answers to the other questions the Attorney General failed to answer per our agreement. The cooperation of the Attorney General and his staff is needed if we’re ever going to get to the bottom of this disastrous policy and help the ATF and the department move forward.”

    The AG is the perpetrator of the crime. He's pleading the 5th?

  4. Obama should be impeached!

  5. Lol. Obama impeachment? Really? Its talk like this, that comes from the same 4-5 people, is the reason why I hardly visit this site anymore. That and all the Ads.


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