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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dr. Seuss Shuts Down Local Blogger

Regardless of what anyone else says, Jonathan Taylor was targeted by local powers and the Dr. Seuss attorneys went after him to cease and desist immediately.

In typical style, Taylor refuses to tell the truth about these demands and instead is sending in a ton of comments on Salisbury News recommending people go to another Website, (as if we'd allow such comments to go through).

It has been reported that another group of concerned citizens are threatening a lawsuit against Taylor and the state disability group because it has been proven Taylor is more than capable of earning a living and could be taking income without reporting it to that department.

Taylor has a good chance of losing his disability income as well as his subsidized housing.

I happen to know first hand who's behind this and quite frankly Taylor pissed off the wrong people in the right places. There could even be the possibility of criminal charges and fraud.

One thing is for sure, Taylor's Site is in fact shut down for good and I can guarantee you he will not re open it again. Things are about to get real interesting in the blogosphere.

Now you know the truth.


  1. This is, hands down the funniest thing I have heard all year. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving chap. Well done Doc.

  2. Very good news. I have seen that fat slob walking around at different events but whenever there's a camera around he plops in a wheel chair for sympathy. His father should be taking care of him anyway, he caused his hip injury.

  3. This is very funny. But the last thing I believe is that Dr Suess' attorneys have any idea who the Salisbury Grinch is or would care.

  4. I'll bet his hands are wringing now!

  5. YES! There's a new Doc in town.

  6. anonymous 2:15, I know for a fact they did. And no, I had nothing to do with it.

  7. Wow- this is interesting because I had just the other day heard some scuttlebutt similar to the group of "concerned citizens."
    What I heard was that some of these people JT considers friends and has even written postively about in his blog. I had just brushed it off but now after reading this it must be true.
    I also heard the person going after him is one who has the means to be able to pay forensic computer experts to pull up his history. Lack of funds for a civil suit is what previously held back suits from being successful.

  8. Now that the grinch is out of business who will Dan & Opie suck up too?

  9. Good, the last thing we need anymore is someone getting paid money they didnt earn while other citizens who could really use it will never see a penny. Get off your fat behind you lazy slob. If you want to run a blog thats fine, hope it works out. But to pose as someone incapable of working to earn extra money on the side is down right disgusting.

  10. This has made my day.

  11. JT is such a loser. He is what historians called a mudraker. His comments come from about 6 people--his wife and 2 of her friends and 3 other people. These people have given away their identity by the comments they make. His site definitely is not news--just a gossip site.

  12. I've seen that fat slob at Taco Bell with so much food it was unbelievable. You were very kind to use this picture of his wife because you should see her now too.

  13. Nothing will make me happier than for JT to face the wrath of those he has pissed off.

    They've taken his NAME away from him. How much does that have to hurt. Lol.

    If he misses his name, just wait until he loses his disability check and his section 8 housing. That's what's coming next.

  14. I heard it's a group from Worcester county which a few Taylor wouldn't suspect in the least.

  15. I have copies of candidates expenses and receipts. Taylor was paid by several and did not report the income. He's going to lose everything. What goes around comes around.

  16. He is an evil person. He likes to hurt others. This is wrong.

  17. The Dr. Suess people must have been really angry when they saw that one of their characters had been used without their permission. Worst-- they would not want Dr. Suess associated with a blog like JT's.

  18. This is so funny. He goes around like he's somebody special. I spit on his back the last time he rolled past me and he didn't even notice.

  19. he looks better with that mask!

  20. I spit on his back the last time he rolled past me and he didn't even notice.
    September 15, 2011 4:28 PM

    Wow! See you in hell man.

  21. What's Gordy and his loser buddies going to do now that their blogger buddy is shut down?

  22. I noticed he's removed all of his old material.
    I bet he's busy right now trying to delete his computer's history.
    It's too late now Taylor, as I'm sure all has been "snipped."
    How embarrassing this is going to be for all his Anon commenters.

  23. Its been a full moon and the kooks are at it!

  24. he has a wife?
    I thought he was a big bottom.

  25. If he needs some income I have a latrine that needs cleaning -- by hand -- and he has lots of experience with poop on his hands.

  26. No children's book author would want their trademark associated with a vile excuse for a human being like JT. Not that he has any assets, but I hope they sue his fat ass.

  27. JT at one point in time sold Grinch t-shirts and items for profit. Glad whoever turned him in knew how to get the job done. Good riddance!

  28. He also took pay from Brewington, Dan Powell and Gee Williams for advertising their campaigns so he was profitting from the illegal use of the name the Grinch.

  29. So, we can't call him the "Grinch" anymore because of intellectual property. Fortunately, I just checked and the following words are not trademarked:

    1. Asshole
    2. Fat slob
    3. Bastard
    4. S.O.B.
    5. Poor excuse for humanity
    6. Freeloader

    We can call him any of those without fear of getting a cease and desist letter.

  30. I see that JT's followers are asking him questions about this post under other topics. Of course, he called you a liar! Does he think we are dense? Why oh why would anyone give up their identity and change the name of his blog to an unknown? He is in deep trouble.

  31. I predict he will be under indictment before 2011 is out.

  32. anonymous 9:05, JT doesn't know how to tell the truth. Nor do many of the people he's close with. Look, people used him and it went to his head. He thinks he's me but he doesn't have the financial backing to keep him afloat when he gets sued. Even JR is running around telling people if they just sue me I won't be able to afford the defend myself. I'm not really sure who the hell JR thinks he is but one thing is for sure, he's absolutely clueless about my finances. He should open his eyes and see, all of my properties are paid for, if that's not a good enough start. While he too wants to be Joe Albero, and I don't wish him any ill will, the man does not know how to tell the truth about anything and there isn't a single person I have ever met in all the years I've known JR that believes anything that comes out of his mouth.

    When you lose trust and faith in someone who simply lies all the time like these two guys do, (I should add Tom McGuire to that list too) nothing good will come from it. The funny part is though, the evil people in our area use each one of them to do their dirty work. Many of them have never gotten over what I have delievered about them by exposing not only the truth, I exposed factual documents proving everything I challenged them on. So instead of them doing the dirty work, they just go to this group of misfits, (most of which don't have two niclkles to rub together) and they fall for it.

    Well, now there's a certain group of people who have taken their time, compiled ALL of their old Posts and have enough ammunition to finish JT off once and for all. JT will talk the big talk until the day he goes to court and then he will fold. He did that in the past on a Peace Order and h's doing it again now.

    Let me just say this. One of the people heading all of this is someone who doesn't have to worry an ounce about legal expenses. JT is toast and the Dr Seuss estate, (that's right JT, I said estate) is nowhere near finished with him. They told him to back down more than 2 years ago and he didn't do so. He has damaged their reputation and with the help of this group JT will fold, period. Then the other lawsuits will finish him off in the blogosphere. Its not about money. Its about someone violating others. JT likes to think, well, Joe did it, so will I. Well, the difference is, I did it with evidence. I was sued three times and I won each time. Why, because I had evidence. This go around, they have evidence against Taylor. He has lied and pulled down posts. Guess what, they copied EVERYTHING. Let's see how tough JT and the rest of his clan are now.

  33. Anonymous said...

    This is so funny. He goes around like he's somebody special. I spit on his back the last time he rolled past me and he didn't even notice.

    September 15, 2011 4:28 PM


  34. I hope they have all those vile videos he made wearing the grinch mask and gloves. Where are his buddys now? Gordy, Stu Leer, Cathcart, Comegys, Boda, Tilghman, et al. He will need more than TJ Baloney to represent him in this one cause it wont be pro bono. What a douche.

  35. All of his offending and offensive videos have been saved and provided to the attorney's for the Seuss estate. The YouTube channel. The Facebook page. Even the Amazon.com store.


  36. Someone's asking him what's up with this story about the Seuss estate coming down on him and as usual he refuses to give a straight answer.
    He gave some BS story that I guess he thinks is supposed to be funny.

  37. Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. brought it to JT and he still doesn't know what hit him.

  38. This is between Seuss Enterprises and JT. Can't figure that all these arm chair anonymous could even begin to know the whole story. Time will telll what the situation really is.


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