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Monday, September 12, 2011

Does Anyone Understand What This McGuire Chick Is Talking About?

To the people of Delmar:

I'm writing this as a response to finding out my father, Tom Mcguire is running for Mayor of Delmar again. I'm writing this to clarify any doubts or questions and feel free to email me if you have them. I'm Stephanie, Tom's oldest daughter, I live in the Baltimore area. I'm almost 21 years old, I can tell you anything you need to know about my father. He's a straight up realistic guy. He is blunt and what he says you make not like, but we're all human and it took me growing up with my mom and dad the way they are to realize that it's the best way to be. No one is perfect and if it's one thing my dad is definitely not, that's perfect. He doesn't kiss ass, he tell's it like it is, and he see's the world in a realistic time frame. We need to be concerned about the here and now and the near future, not the past and not 100 years from now. I used to live in Delmar and I remember what it was like. I know that Mr. Albero needs to shut the hell up and stop slandering my father's name. I think he has a serious sick obsession and wants dirty election, like last time. My father and I may not see eye to eye and half the time don't get along, but he is my dad and I love him and respect him and when I go onto the blog sights it deeply saddens me that Mr. Albero steeps himself lower than the Dundalk shit plant to slander my dad's name. Yes I agree no one is perfect, but if Albero is such this great man, than why does he need to email people to dig dirt on my father and why does he need to stoop to this level of idiocy? I mean for real, he needs to grow the hell up. At one point when I was angry with my father I would have helped Albero, but I finally got over my own issues, and grew up and became an adult. He wasn't the best, but he did what he had to do. He goes out of his way for the ones he loves and cares about, he is the type who will offer the shirt off his back to someone who needed it, knowing my father like I do, he always has a spare! As to Joe's allegations about my father's spending habbits, who does he think he is? What my father chooses to do with his money is his own business! He's a tax payer, he pays whatever loans he has. There shouldn't be a problem, knowing Joe he's making a mountain out of mole hill. All I ask is for no harassing nasty emails, as to I will get the police involved! Look, if you want someone who will run a fair election to the best of their abilities, and who genuinely does care about Delmar, than vote for my dad Tom McGuire. All I ask is that if you have questions, direct them towards me, I'll be happy to answer any email or phone call, because I'm the real deal and I know what I'm talking about, after all, he did impregnate my mother to create me! I'd like to think that the people of Delmar would like a fair fight between Tom and Carl, instead of this nasty stuff that's being thrown around. So please, if you are undecided email me, if you are for my father email me, if you are against my father, well you can email me and I'll do my best to persuade you, but in the end people have the freedom of speech and choice and I understand this. Obviously my father didn't do too bad of a job raising myself and my brothers, if he did, than why am I doing so well and my brother's doing great as well? Take that into consideration. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Stephanie P. McGuire

Publishers Notes:

I can honestly say I have absolutely no clue what this girl is talking about. Perhaps she and Tom believe I am the one behind the Website that attacks Tom McGuire/McGoob? If that's the case they are both mistaken in a very big way. I do not have time to obsess over Tom McGuire or his wife/girlfriend Nikki. My job is to expose the truth and quite frankly McGuire has made it very simple for me to do.

Other than that, I have only published what has been made public HERE. Stephanie should learn, Tom and Nikki are now public figures running for public office. The families skin needs to become much thicker. Remember Stephanie, your father is the guy who laughs about lying to WalMart stating I said something in which never happened. Tom McGuire has called my advertisers relentlessly, lying to them, saying I said things I did not and calling me a racist. When the advertisers ask for his name he hangs up, yet he l;eaves the telephone number trail back to his cell phone, Idiot. I think Tom McGuire is capable of saying ANYTHING to advance his agenda and I do mean anything.

I have no problem standing up to Tom McGuire and I've proven that. He may be able to bully some but creating letters like the one above and telling lies will only catch up with you. I am not afraid to put my name to ANYTHING I do and I hide behind nothing. I don't drive by McGuire's house honking my horn like he does mine almost every day and I don't have FUTM tags on my vehicle.

Tom McGuire is a mental case running for public office and the citizens of Delmar need to know just how screwed up he is.


  1. beautiful letter from a clearly intelligent young woman.


  2. She needs to learn how to spell and the differences between "sights" and "sites." If she is 21 and writes like a 4th grader, I think it says more about her intelligence than anyone else's. Hopefully the voters of Delmar are smart enough to disassociate themselves from the whole McGuire clan.

  3. I think it's nice shes trying to stick up for her father.I just feel bad that he's anyones father, for he is one sick man.

  4. It's sad that his daughter has to fight his battles. Honey, grow up before trying to defend him. Listen to the crap that comes out of his mouth. I have a thick skin but when I hear him and his other half wish a child dead well, he's not what I call "being an adult".

  5. The "Dundalk Shit Plant"??????

  6. Too many apostrophes, Honey! Learn the difference between plural and possessive.

  7. I agree 1:19! LOL Way too much "shit" talking!

  8. Not to mention that McGuire has publicly called his daughter unstable and schizophrenic. He even pressed charges against her for stealing one of his wife's ring. So now he wants us to think she IS a stable person? I think the entire clan are unstable idiots.

  9. I thought McGuire was running for council? He's running for mayor? Heaven help ya'll.

  10. What taxes does he pay? He doesn't own a home here, so it sure as heck ain't property taxes.

  11. Look's to me that you could put her brain on the edge of a razor blade, and it would look like a BB rolling down a four lane highway.

  12. Its a shame sounds like the whole family is screwed up. Joe is right who rides around with tags on there car with that crap sounds like he is the crazy one. Stephanie you win some and lose some and this one is a loss.

  13. I just got this thought.The residents of Woodcreek have a 2 to 1 ratio of voters.In actuality if a bunch of them run they will own Delmar.

  14. 1:51. Wait a minute. He doesn't own a home, pays no taxes, yet he wants to make decisions for people who do? That can't be right.

  15. The guy isn't even smart at running for office. He talked 4 other people into running for town commissioner with him and THERE ARE ONLY TWO SPOTS!?!?! There is no way he will win one of them. Though he may have succeeded in knocking Bunky Luffman or Michael Gibbs out of the race along with himself.

  16. stephanie is chubby cute.

  17. "All I ask is that if you have questions, direct them towards me, I'll be happy to answer any email or phone call, because I'm the real deal and I know what I'm talking about, after all, he did impregnate my mother to create me!"

    What in the heck is this girl talking about????? I am literally Laughing Out Loud!

    Sorry Stephanie, but sometimes one is better off, not getting involved. Save yourself the trouble, trust me.

  18. stephanie is fat ugly.

  19. "Impregnate my mother." Wonder if she swung both ways like the step-mommy does. But, hey, if I had to think about having sex with McGuire, I would too.

  20. What a pathetic family!

  21. 1:55 is Tom McGuire. He routinely talks trash about the Wood Creek residents behind their back saying things like "they will own the town or "this town will own the golf course and they'll raise our taxes to pay for it", but then to the face of Dr. Ring and his wife Stephanie- who McGuire has talked into running- he will say the opposite and say Wood Creek needs to run more candidates and buy the golf course. He is trying to be some sort of political puppet master and honestly, I'm shocked at the number of fairly intelligent people in town that believe what he tells them. From Pam the lady at the library to Morena Hodgins- a former commissioner- Tom has scared the crap out of them. He also kisses Carl Anderton's butt to his face, but I know firsthand he trashes the man and tells everyone what a disaster he would be as Mayor behind his back.

  22. Funny 2:33. I thought that was a comment he would have made as well. I cannot remember where I saw it, but I believe he had the idea that Delmar should be divided into voting districts so Woodcreek wouldn't be able to "run the town". And yes, he is very close with Pam at the library and Marlena Hodgins. I don't know if he talks about Mr. Anderton behind his back as I would never approach him. But, I don't believe that Carl is the only person he is trashing.

  23. Steph

    The nut doesn't fall far from the tree hehehehhee

    The letter is a diservice to any kind of human intelligence. Yup, you all better now, ummm OK!

  24. From the sound of all this what a pathetic town 2:32

  25. Tom is the laughing stock of Delmar.

  26. I don't know anyone in this messed up family and I'm glad for that. When I read this letter it makes me even happier that I don't know them. The fact that she "thinks" that this will help her father should be enough to show how messed up they all are. If my child had written this letter I would not brag about it and I would hang my head in shame and have to wonder where I went wrong.

  27. Still picking on people are you Joe? I hear his wife has nice feet. Guess who...

  28. 3:16 this is what I fear. Tom McGuire is *THE* village idiot. Every town has one. Ours is exceptional. Please do not equate the good people of Delmar with the McGuires.

  29. Big Alberta gettin back at it?September 12, 2011 at 4:24 PM

    So there you have it! Living proof that McGuire reproducing is infinitely damaging to the gene pool. He should have gotten the Darwin award. Anyway, It's been said that it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove any doubt. Stephanie...If there had been any doubt about your intellectual level, you have effectively eliminated any trace.

  30. Not sure if this is a positive endorsement or not. What the hell was all that?

  31. 1:02 and 1:20, As a retired English teacher, I thank you for including your comments. Indeed, her writing is so poor that it interferes with whatever point she is trying to make. This is probably what gave Joe such difficulties in deciphering her jibberish.
    Her paragraph--she should have had at least three or four paragraphs--has no organization. She just goes from one though to another without any transition.

    Besides the atrocious writint, I simply cannot follow her train of thought--if, indeed, there is one. One thing for sure:
    She surely did not do her father any favors by writing this letter. It makes him look totally unqualified for any political office, as the good people of Delmar have no doubt already figured out!

  32. It seems as though Tom is trashing the 3 best candidates running. I suppose he thinks that by bad mouthing them, he will have a chance. Not a chance for obtaining my vote. I like the possibilities that Anderton, Gibb and Luffman will open up for the town.

  33. 4:36 has to be tom hughes. I can tell by his juxtaposition, prose, and overall teaching tone. get em tom.

  34. anyone who would vote for him deserves exactly what they would get if he were elected. There should be an IQ test for any candidate who wants to run..the rest of civilization is laughing at us...

  35. There are times I am exceedingly proud to be a come-here. This is one of them!

  36. 7:46 Tom McGuire is also a come-here. Hmmm...

    Either way, this isn't about come-hers vs from-heres. It's about a someone attempting to take over the town to its detriment. His wife is running for Mayor and he talked Pam Schell, Stephanie Ring and Cory Schaefer into running. He doesn't care if he wins or not, because he will have power as long as one of the above does win.

  37. Reading her essay, I get the feeling that she doesn't like her dad, thinks he's wrong about a lot, but is trying to defend him.
    A little crazy. ( I'm being diplomatic)

  38. Well said 7:55! Both posts...

  39. He also convinced Henderson too . doesn't that guy have enough to worry about?

  40. I'm Stephanie's best friend of 13 years and I can tell you that yes her relationship with her father hasn't been the greatest, but where do you people get off at by attacking her, when all she was trying to do was help her dad out and try and support him? You are no better than her father if you're attacking her. She is a college student, she ace's her paper's and than texts a lot, she may not be perfect, but who cares! Who are you to call her fat and ugly or chubby? Her father only accused her of stealing the ring to scare the crap out of her to be honest, if she had stolen it don't you think she would have gotten some serious consequence's down there in Wicomico County? Why don't you stop attacking Stephanie, and and stop being so nasty towards her father, grow the heck up and be adults about the situation? You're all sitting behind you're computers trash talking her father and her and you have no right to do so! You have no clue what she has been through, I have seen her go through hell and back time and time again, so before you think about posting up anymore nasty comments, remember this, she is probably crying her eyes out right now because she's a kind hearted person who will help anyone she can even if she doesn't know them or doesn't always get along with them. Last point before you people start attacking me now for defending my best friend, the more trash talk you people do on her, the more she can go after your butts in court for SLANDER and she'll have all the evidence she needs, laughing at every single one of you because ya'll were stupid enough to say these harsh things about a young 21 year old young lady who has gone through more than most. I can't stand Stephanie's father, Tom, but I'm great full he had her, because she's the most loving person I know. So come and attack me now, I'm sure all of you nut heads about someone's proper English will love me too! Thought this was a true blog and we had freedom of speech, but we truly don't anymore. Those rude people shouldn't have those rights, because the way Steph and I were raised, you treat people the way you wished to be treated and when you have nothing nice to say you keep your mouth shut, just goes to show how stupid people really are!!

  41. Well it looks like you got to McGuire as he is calling "Salisbury Bloggers" spew and is threatening to "let it all out there" on Carl Anderton tomorrow.

  42. Slander is spoken, libel is written.

  43. Michael, kudos to you for being a support system for your friend. HOWEVER, Tom has called his own daughter deceptive and crazy when it suited him. And are you saying that he filed a FALSE police report just to scare her? I believe that may be against the law. So, it looks like you have only given more ammo for the fight AGAINST Mcguire. Way to go!

  44. Threatening Carl with what? He would be a great leader for Delmar. His character is impeccable, he is involved with his church and his community. Awful funny that McGuire wants to unleash something now that his wife is running against Carl.

  45. Clearly, Steph and Michael (11:31 pm) learned to write at the same place. Either their teacher was extremely poor, or neither of them paid any attention to class.

    There is no way she "ace's her paper's" if what was posted here is a fair representation of her writing ability.

  46. I know this much, dirty campaigning is one thing,libel is quite another. Tom better have his ducks in a row and proof to back up whatever it is he is planning, or I'm thinking a lawsuit might be appropriate.

  47. The only problem with filing a suit against Nutjob is that you can not get anything from someone who has nothing. He doesn't own any property nor does he have a job where you could garnish his wages. The best thing for everyone to do is to just ignore him. He does this for nothing more than attention.

    As far as Mr. Darpino's post, perhaps you should research the subject a bit more. Nutjob has continuously harrassed Joe for several years and openly states it. Nutjob has openly slandered many people in this community and WE are tired of it. The best thing for the town would be for he and his family to leave the area. They set a bad example for the rest of us who try not to bring negativity to the town.

  48. Wait? I thought his hot wife was running for mayor and he was running for something else? Village idiot or something.

  49. Breaking news, directly from the parking lot of Wendy's in Dundulk.

    The letter opens up saying her father is running for mayor, again!

    As quoted "I'm writing this as a response to finding out my father, Tom Mcguire is running for Mayor of Delmar again. I'm writing this to clarify any doubts or questions and feel free to email me if you have them. I'm Stephanie, Tom's oldest daughter, I live in the Baltimore area. I'm almost 21 years old, I can tell you anything you need to know about my father.

    Is he Bi-sexual too?

  50. You know this guy is an idiot if he lives in Delmar and sends his kid to WiHi.

  51. WIHIGH is a better school than Delmar

  52. Personally I don't care what people think or say of me, but I do however, care when it is about Stephanie. I don't care if Tom get's in or not, because I don't live there and I don't have to deal with it so therefor, it is not my problem, I only care about Stephanie. I was there when the crap hit the fan when she was humiliated, so I'm only trying to protect her. She's a tough girl, but she has weaknesses just like every other person. All I was trying to do was make the valid point that, 1 Stephanie is trying to have a normal father daughter relationship and hasn't had much of luck up until recently and that the slander or as these crazy bloggers say, libel, is uncalled for in her eyes. 2 Stephanie works 40+ hours, trains at the gym everyday for 3 hours, goes to the Fire stations trains there for another hour, than goes home to study and work on her papers for her becoming a Paramedic, and get's up and does it all over again. So when she wrote that little letter, it was probably late in the night and she was probably exhausted so cut her some slack, she's human! I however, know I have bad grammar and horrible spelling, but that is me! Stephanie may not see eye to eye with Tom, but as humans, everyone has a tendency to do so. Whether or not Tom is Bi-sexual is on Tom and non of anyone's concern but his and his wife's. As for Stephanie thinking he was running for mayor, yes she was wrong, but that was because she was misinformed by a friend of her's in Delmar who said that they had heard Tom was running for office again. As for where Tom send's his kids to school, is it any of your business? I mean for real, I don't like Tom much myself, but last I checked, he had the freedom to place his kids in a school that he feels is better. Personally, after what Stephanie said about Delmar, I can't understand why, but that's none of my concern! Look you people can do whatever you want, but please just leave Stephanie out of this, Tom needs to fight his own battles, and here Stephanie is fighting it for him and that's not fair to her that all she was doing was protecting her father and she got shit on by the people of Delmar, just goes to show, why she moved back to the Baltimore area and just why she is moving out of Maryland, because she can't stand being around people who have the nasty attitude syndrome as Steph and I call it! Look, I'm not a supporter of Tom, but I will fight to the death for my best friend.

  53. Didn't Stephanie put herself out there when she wrote that letter? Didn't she rebuke someone else's good name IN that letter? Why then, it is not fair for him to post said letter? The comments she got were all basically asked for. I feel sorry for her that she would have had to grow up knowing that he was the sperm donor. I feel sorry that she didn't get to have a normal relationship with a normal father figure. I feel sorry that her own father calls her a schizophrenic mess because if she does, in fact, suffer from that disorder, her father more than likely contributed to it. I feel sorry that she feels the need to defend her father as a last ditch effort to get affection from someone who is not capable of it. But, the fact remains, she wrote the letter and wanted it to be published for the world to see.


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