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Monday, September 12, 2011

Does Anyone Know Who This Non Professional, Immature, Big Mouth Jackass Is?

The Idiot shown above was just traveling through the Downtown Plaza honking his horn and wouldn't stop. I don't mean just a toot. I'm talking about laying down on the horn and wouldn't stop until I ran out my door, ran up to his face and told him to STOP!

Well Mr. Jackass, "You've Been Blogged" and so has the company you work for. Bailey's Taxi Sucks.


  1. Something tells me that guy won't care that you blogged him. I'm sure that he doesn't read.......your blog or anything else!

  2. Don't know who he is but had a run in a few months back with him. I was exiting a parking lot and he was in front of me. He put the cab in reverse and backed up as he was to far out in the roadway and traffic was coming. He tapped my bumper, he then got out of the cab and yelled at me for hitting him. After he finished yelling he jumped in the car and drove off.

  3. 1:55 He has brought road rage to a whole new level!

  4. They do a pretty good business other than taxi service, too.

    Watch them at the Exxon on Isabella!

  5. This might have been the same guy that darn near hit me one night when I was coming out of Ponzetti's. He didn't have his lights on and nearly caused an accident!

  6. He probably doesnt know how to blog.

  7. replace "bailey's" with "drug" and that will explain everything. Bailey's has never held a high standard for drivers.

  8. You guys just plain mean. Give the guy a break: I'm sure it's not easy driving while high on crack!

  9. I hope he kicks your ass.

  10. Maybe maybe he's just a meth head & happy he found his dream job. You just didn't see the passenger laying down on the front seat.

  11. I've never understood why a city as small as salisbury has so many taxis. and only the poor use them. doesn't really make sense.

  12. anonymous 2:18, LMAO, I gave him a chance, he ran like a little girl, except he was on 4 wheels and I was standing right in his face, kinda like the McGuire photo a few posts down.

    It cracks me up you too aren't man enough to use your name. Are you AFRAID too little girl?

  13. Car 34 Where are you?

  14. Orville Jones is his name..... pure jerk

  15. Bailey’s Taxi- call us for all of your crack, meth and goo bazooka needs. 410-560-4025

  16. Lay off my boy he brings me my crack um huh

    on weekends big daddy gots da kingpin in da back to supply the streets uh huh yup, ride around from corner to corner to pick up cash and deliver the smack'n crack

  17. Perhaps the Albero wanna-be hired him to irritate you!

  18. I too have had a run in with Baileys, after one of their genius drivers was parked outside of my house blowing the horn @ 11:30 PM. (quiet neighborhood)

    After the dogs barked and the baby woke up, I walked out and asked them to move on. The passenger female offered a few racial epithets, snorted back and spit out of the window at me before the driver sped off. I called Momma Bailey (and SPD) who radioed the driver. When questioned he denied the whole thing over the radio. Class Act.

  19. Baileys taxi just reflects the city of salisbury anymore, run downm full of convicts and drug dealers. Is there a sign on the back of his car, should say purchased with the money we make from selling you drugs.

  20. salisbury police need to do random stops on baileys drivers.This guy drinks on the job. i know this for a fact.

  21. Salisbury Taxi is no better or Gene's..lol

  22. 2:21 that's a bad judgement, every time I go out on the town for a night out I take a cab to the bar and home afterwards. Its nice to have available safe transportation, some towns don't have that luxury.

  23. If all of this is TRUE about being convicts and drug dealers and YOU have proof. Contact the PSC and they are the ones who license cab drivers and they ALL must be CLEARED by the PSC with criminal background checks and from what I hear any record they can't get hackers license..so you all may want to call the PSC and complain and if your comments are true they can be verified by them and or YOU can be sued for these type of comments

  24. 5:15 - Baileys delivers drugs to my neighbors house. Next time I will take a video and send it to Joe to post on his blog. Will that be enough "verification" for you?

  25. Bailey's has been well known for delivering drugs for at least 20 years. My ex turned out to be the king of crack; I thought he was at my house behaving himself, when it turns out they deliver whatever drugs you ask for! I may not have proof, but if this many people know about their illicit activities, why isn't anything being done about it?? I guess Mike Lewis is too busy posturing to really do anything of use to the community.

  26. they are terrible. all rude.

  27. "salisbury police need to do random stops on baileys drivers.This guy drinks on the job. i know this for a fact."

    Apparently you have never heard of the 4th amendment

  28. I have had many traffic problems with Bailey's Taxi due to the drivers' poor judgement. This guy has almost hit me on multiple occasions, has cussed at me, and given me the finger. What gets me most of all is that when I call to complain they don't care! They just rush me off of the phone. I really wish there was something that the public could do other than complain.

  29. school bus unloading children for court house field trip . two bailey taxis within 20 feet of children using profain language (f) bomb for your children to here . you decide bryan l.

  30. I saw car #13 driving like an idiot this morning on College ave to Beaglin Park Dr. Driving about 45 to 50 thru a school zone, cutting off other drivers just to take some kid to Parkside. It was crazy watching this jerk drive!

  31. Bailey's has been in the business of drug dealing as long as Travel Thrift Inn was in the prostitute business. Does take a long time for the Good "ole Boyz to deliver justice.

    Now there are three or four more motels that have taken on the former business of the Travel Trift Inn from E.S. Adkins to WBOC. When will code/compliance and the health department get with it? Or will they wait 20 years like they did with the Travel Thrift?

  32. Have complained twice within the last 6 months regarding this same guy to the # posted on the cab. They take the complaint but basically blow you off. This guy is a thug, oddly and seemingly, with a job. Why doesn't he just go to full time drug dealing? Or does driving a taxi legitimize his side business????


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