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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chicken Flop Live

I personally think it says a LOT when you have a local small town hero like Fernando Guerrero who can out sell at least five to one tickets over a Dionne Warwick and at least four other major acts known around the world.

I think it speaks volumes when you look at the images we've provided and see the absolute reality that there were less than 1,200 people in attendance and the final act has to ask everyone to please move out of the nose bleed seats and move down to the field and yet it still didn't seem to make much of an impact.

A promoter was paid $150,000.00 just to bring the acts to Salisbury for this event. However, we all knew early on that there was just no way this event could be any kind of success when they were selling tickets at $85.00 a piece. 

What many also do not know is just how much money companies like Perdue and Pepsi put into sponsorship for this event. My hat is tipped to them for taking such massive risks and Salisbury News also learned when they dropped the ticket sale prices from $85.00 a seat to $35.00 a seat, Pepsi apparently made up the difference. At one point last week WBOC stated there had been some 3,000 seats pre sold, (could have fooled me). Perhaps that's just what THEY were told.

Then there was WBOC's backing of this event from the beginning. It wasn't long after the early promotions for the event that WBOC actually started pulling their billboard advertising for the event, pretty well knowing it wasn't going to be the success many had hoped for. Nevertheless, in the end they continued to move forward and push hard to help sell tickets.

In my honest opinion there were at least four factors to look at here.

1. WBOC failed to deliver in their promotions of this event.
2. Ticket prices were just too high and people had an immediate bad taste when they heard $85.00 per seat.
3. A poor line up of headliners for the event.
4. Other activities this weekend.

Now, considering WBOC has, (by far) the largest TV audience on the Eastern Shore, I doubt #1 is a major factor in all of this. When they did announce the $85.00 per ticket I immediately got calls saying, I can't afford to pay $340.00 for my family of four to go to this event. So I do believe original ticket sale prices had a LOT to do with this event flopping. It wasn't until the last few days before the event that WBOC announced ticket prices would drop to $35.00 each. By then, every one already made other plans and they completely screwed up on that one. As far as the headliners, come on now, Dionne Warwick. Clearwater REVISITED! Kenny Loggins. I think they could have picked quite a few better acts but the reality of it all is, they only had so much money and this is all they could afford. They would have been better off with one or two great country bands, (I can't stand country music) the Eastern Shore would have enjoyed. As far as other activities, there was Sunfest, (which I believe is FREE) and a 4 cylinder small car show in OC as well.

The United Way made a lot of errors with this event. They put all their eggs into one basket, hence Salisbury News never once promoting the event as well as many others. Yeah, I know the JT's out there will ride me for that statement but you know what, reality is reality. Salisbury News HAS been a part of promoting EVERY Fernando Guerrero Fight locally and each time the Civic Center was almost sold out, (up to 6,000 seats). So come after me all you like, it is what it is.

What I feel is unfortunate is the fact that events like Chicken Flop Live could have partnered up with others and they did not. I have been to several promotional events where WMDT was promoting one of their advertisers and they had several of their crew there to serve food. Guess what, NO ONE was there! Could television advertising be a thing of the past any more? The way I see it is, absolutely. I have said it numerous times, take away ALL of the other stuff like weather, sports and many other things and what's left, 4 minutes of local news. I should take that back, 2 minutes of Delaware news and 2 minutes of Maryland news.

People are getting discouraged and finding Blogs are the way to go any more. Some, (like our advertisers) are finding unbelievable rewards by advertising with us, knowing their reaching an even larger audience for far less money. Maybe if some of these groups like the United Way and others got their heads out of their rear ends and opened their eyes they'd come to realize what they ARE doing ISN'T working.

I purposely stayed away from ANY promotions on this, (similar to what I have done with Third Friday) for one sole purpose. I wanted to watch it either take off like wild fire or flop flat on its face. Well, if you look at the images above and or visited last weeks Third Friday event I think you'll agree, people need to be more open minded about how people are now NETWORKING and get into real time promotions. The image below is one taken from the Guerrero fight at the same location, Perdue Stadium. Need I say more.

No, I cannot take all the credit for ticket sales but just let me say this, I also can't take ANY credit for the ticket sales at Chicken Flop Live either.

I want to end with this. I truly believe what the United Way does for the Eastern Shore is fantastic and second to none. We can only hope they open their eyes the next go around and see what the future of promotions can bring. Pictures do NOT lie.

In closing. Fernando Guerrero has sold out many a stadium events, all of which you could get a general admission seat for $15.00. While Fernando is one of several fantastic fighters on the card, each event was exciting and well worth the money, no matter what seat you purchased. Maybe this should be factor #5 from above. Staying LOCAL seems to pay off. Never forgetting where you came from pays off. $85.00 a seat will never cut it and it takes a community to raise a child. (some will get that, some will not) Hopefully the United Way gets it.


  1. A local battle of the bands would have yielded better results. Delmarva's got talent, anything but has been performers.

  2. One thing you missed here Joe. You have to be around at the time they are broadcasting the news. When I come here I can see news day in and day out, not just at 6 pm or I missed it. You provide a service television news can't deliver and quite a bit more of it.

  3. The price for tickets was outrageous. I regularly attend blues festivals with 1 if not 2 national acts per day for a 3 day period and pay anywhere from 50 to 75 bucks. Why not actually get John Fogerty, the actual voice and sound of CCR-not the remaining 2 members with a fake frontman. I bet there was a bigger crowd for Kenny Rogers at Sunfest last night. I would have supported this whole heartedly but the line up, price tag and venue did little for me. Folks should also be allowed to at least bring in bottled water at a minimum.

  4. I think the obvious is the reason, they had this OUTSIDE with poor weather. Guerrero wouldn't fill an outside event either. Two, the people most of these groups pull from are in nursing homes. Dumb!

  5. CHICKEN FLOP!!!!!!!!! LOL, that cracked me up!

  6. I lost resepect for Dion Warwick when she insisted on receiving compensation including hotels, travel for another charitable event.

    If I remember correctly - the charitable event ended up losing money on the proposition.

    Also - this show lost momentum when they re-announced a price reduction on the ticket prices. $85 per ticket is way out of line for our economy here in Wicomico. We have been decimated by local business closurers - and yet our local Federal, State, & municipal governments have continued to expand. Now that the,

    "Chickens have come home to roost"

    our economy not even begun to rebound. You are absolutely right with your 5 recommendations and I believe there are some valuable lessons to be learned here.

  7. I didn't follow the chicken flop concert but I have to disagree with you about Third Friday.

    I have attended almost every one of them since last year. I love the turnout and the amazing mix of people that come out. Everyone is very friendly and I think it is a wonderful idea. I have never, ever heard a negative thing about Third Friday except on your blog.

    It could just be one of those things you took a dislike to. I encourage you to give it another try. I think you might enjoy it!

  8. Joe , We may not agree on alot but this you nailed on the head .

  9. It is no wonder The Daily Times parent company Gannett Corp stock value has plummetted.

    Have you seen today's story regarding the Chicken Stock festival. If they are calling this a success - Lord help their reading audience.

    I thank God everyday for SBYnews. It is the REAL DEAL.

  10. Those making the decision to hold this event probably can afford a $85.00 ticket. But they did not consider all who live here are like them. They forgot about us little people here.

  11. Flop or no flop...they took the initiative to do something different. That takes guts here on the shore. So many people are opposed to anything new or different here.
    So great job United Way!

  12. If the plan is to fill seats no matter what the cost then they need to have a concert that will draw a crowd. A band that has songs on the chart. These has beens haven't had a chart single in over 30 years. The majority of the people that attended this concert are people living in the past or trying to relive their past. Most of these has been bands are no where near original and just carry the name. Clearwater Rivisited? Common now that isn't even creative!

    Another problem with the concert was the name itself. Who in their right mind would want to invest money in something with a redneck name like Chicken Stock Live.

    If indeed that amount of money was spent on the promoter then the ones that hired the promoter are responsible. I would like to know more details about this promoter as well.

    Another is the fact that the concert is near the end of September. We are in the middle of hurricane season so there is a big risk for poor weather. Did anyone consider checking the dates to see what other events were going on? Sunfest!! Come on now! They typically have much better bands to listen to and they are under a tent in case it does rain.

    Whether you like Country Music or not, this area is more suited for a country concert. A country concert draw fans of all ages.

    Poor planning!

  13. I'd rather pay $65-$85 plus gas and toll to ride over the bridge to see a good band.

    The Bottle & Cork in Dewey Beach has better musicians.

    People are tired of spending money to see a band that are has beens or never was trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

    Any good promoter could see this coming and I'm sorry for the United Way and will make a donation.

    Chicken Stock? Whomever came up with the name should bury their head in the sand. Pitiful.

  14. Anonymous said...

    Flop or no flop...they took the initiative to do something different. That takes guts here on the shore. So many people are opposed to anything new or different here.
    So great job United Way!

    September 25, 2011 2:07 PM

    The Liberal way of thinking. That's the reason the country is in the shape it's in now!

  15. WBOC and other broadcasters have to realize that many of their ads have stupid car dealers and the like SHOUTING at us, the audience.

    While they may deny it, the volume level of the ads is usually louder than the program content.

    Such SHOUTING makes us develop the habit of pressing the "mute" button during commercial breaks, or DVR the programs, and skip the ads altogether!

    The other aspect is the event was way overpriced, and as such it was never considered to be an expense that we would make. As others have pointed out.

  16. I want to thank all of you for your comments.

    Alloow me to remind all of you that when Fernando Guerrero held his fight at Perdue Stadium, #1, it was OCTOBER, (cold) and it had rained ALL day. Again, the images from that fight DO NOT LIE. There was 4 times what this concert delivered in attendance.

    I did not see today's Daily Times article but my God, did they really suggest this event was a success, REALLY? Their doing so goes right back to the CORE of what I was trying to say in the Post. Organizations like the United Way, (and some others) refuse to think out of the box and feel god in the end even though the event compltely flopped.

    IMHO, this is the kinds of problems this country is seeing as a whole. They do NOT, (democrats) live in reality. Maybe that's why some CLAIM to hate Salisbury News, (we tell it like it is and the TRUTH) because we will NOT be swayed by our advertisers and supporters.

    It goes back to even the Mike Lewis situation. So I disagree with Mike on a political level, it doesn't mean I hate Mike Lewis, far from it, in fact. People need to learn to agree to disagree, period. We still have to live together in this world.

    Anyhow, let me give you some examples of text messages I was receiving from many of the people atending the event. I think you'll get a kick out of them.

    "Are you covering chicken stock. It's almost like Woodstock with the exception that there is no line to use the bathroom."

    "Mass confusion. Hoards of people ripping down the fence and gates and a slew of naked people have sex right out in the open. Oh wait. Its two homeless guys that lost their pants."

    "Police just cornered a 9 year old that dropped her ice cream on the floor."

    "Feels like the bans is performing just for me. Oh, they are."

    "I've seen more people at a Jews for Hitler rally."

    One guy is dancing on first base and they threw him off cause he was tearing up the infield, seriously."

    Don't shoot the messanger, this is truly what was coming in.

    As for the Third Friday comments, I have never said it was a bad event. All I have ever said is when they Mayor sent us the information in advance and we published it, they were swamped. The moment we took some credit for it the Mayor cut us off and he stuck with his liberal friends that run a Blog that get no traffic and it has flopped every week since.

    We have proven this every single time we have promoted the event. Love us or hate us, no matter where you stand you cannot deny we have more local traffic than anyone else out there. Oh sure, those who claim to hate us still come here every single day but lie to friends and associates. Let them talk for 5 minutes and you'll quickly see they are lying by admitting they saw a Post we put up. It always cracks me up when I personally catch those people in lies.

    Anyhow, I appreciate the comments. Many I agree with, many I disagree with and felt the need to correct them in this comment.

  17. You were smart to stay away from this concert to see what happens. I also have to agree with the comment about being around at 6:00 to watch the news. There are many days I miss it but I always know I can find the information here instead. If I owned a business I would much rather advertize here then television. Good article Joe.

  18. When after all the coy buildup they finally announced the price, I knew they would end up losing money--but maybe that's not really bad, considering how overcompensated United Way executives are, and how top-heavy their heirarchy is.
    Once decent acts, now "has-beens, would never inspire the median income worker on Delmarva--@$35000--to spend a week's grocery money for tickets, and if purchased way in advance, risking "enjoying" the show in the rain. Queen Dioone don't do rain dates--she' come took her money and is back to Santa Barbara--light years from San Jose.
    Most people around here are fairly sensible about money, or becoming so at an accelerating rate. Just because the VISA card isn't maxxed out yet is no justification to spend $150+ a couple for a day's amusement, when the kids need shoes--and the act selection was not conducive to drawing in the "swipe your EBT" crowd--they are saving their "personal money " for a new tattoo, while the taxpayer buys their often-obese family overflowing carts of junk food around the first of the month...
    As an aside--hurry and go shopping at the Walmart grocery now, and this week--the EBTs are empty until midnight of the first.

  19. the venue sucks
    the lack of talent sucks.
    the price sucks.
    Seriously I don't think they could have filled it if they gave the tickets away for free!
    Get some real talent and a reasonable ticket price and it'll sell!

  20. Great article Joe. I suppose the 3000 tickets that Momme stated on the news included the sponsorship tickets and most likely didn't get use. I understand the promoter is the same person who brings in the oldies at UMES. That is another completely different event. And with that said the promoter should reduce their fee tremendously. Someone responsible at the United Way made a a very bad decision. I would think it is an embarrassment to them.

  21. They should have hired Hal Chernoff to promote the event.

  22. It's a shame the event didn't do better. That being said, I give at a certain level that entitles me to some "goodies" like a t-shirt and an invitation to a dinner. It's a modest amount taken by payroll deduction so I don't really miss it. Personally, I'd just as soon they redirected the money spent of the thank yous to one of the organizations they sponser.

  23. I find it interesting that pictures of the venue shown above were taken from the suites, which I imagine were a weebit more expensive than my seats on the field....but beyond that, I attended the event and enjoyed myself very much. I wes excited to see America, and they were terrific. CC-Revisited - well they were amazing! Their new lead singer sounded exactly like a young John Fogherty and was probably better. The lead gutarist was as good as I have ever seen bar none. Loggins was good, enjoyable, but not as good as CC-R.

    Were the ticket prices too high - yes, can't argue that. But this was a fund raising event (whether it was successful or not IDK, but I doubt) I would expect the cost to be higher than average. How often do groups host golf tournaments where the price far exceeds the normal green fee at the course, or the dinner/lunch/trinket you get for playing. Or a chicken bbq, crab feast, fish fry etc...theorotetically you are doing this for reasons above and beyond.

    I didn't see too many unhappy folks at the event, so I think most people in attendance did enjoy their experience.

    IF they decide to do it again, I am sure there will be adjustments to the lineup, ticket prices and maybe even the venue. I - for one, and maybe the only one - will look forward to the event.

  24. Not only was the music outdated, the genre of the groups were also incompatible. Why not have Louie Armstrong, The Chi-Lites, and Ozzy? See my point? This event was ill fated from it's inception.

  25. Anonymous said...

    I didn't follow the chicken flop concert but I have to disagree with you about Third Friday.

    I have attended almost every one of them since last year. I love the turnout and the amazing mix of people that come out. Everyone is very friendly and I think it is a wonderful idea. I have never, ever heard a negative thing about Third Friday except on your blog.

    It could just be one of those things you took a dislike to. I encourage you to give it another try. I think you might enjoy it!

    September 25, 2011 1:29 PM

    Well I have to disagree with you as I have been to numerous 3rd Fridays and they have all been a flop. The ones I didn't attend I was able to see pictures on another blog and guess what, another flop. Like Joe said "Pictures don't lie."

    The 3rd Friday event is a flop mainly because it is a liberal, alternative lifestyle event. Take it back to Rehoboth Beach.

  26. I don't know if you saw The DT but here is the headlines on their website:

    'Rain doesn’t dampen Chickenstock spirit'

    I have no regrets for canceling my subscription to this publication. They have lost all credibility. SBYnews is a more accurate and reliable source as to what has transpired. Good work Joe!

  27. 236 you are way off in your assumption that I am a liberal. I was merely stating that it may have been a flop, at least UW tried something new.
    What is really sad, is that you took my post and compared it to the state of our economy and country. No, not sad, laughable!

  28. anonymous 5:17, I hope you didn't come off with the impression, (from my Post) that the event wasn't a good time. If you do have that impression I truly apologize for such.

    I'm sure the event was in fact a great time. I personally would have enjoyed the artists that were there. However, you wouldn't catch me paying $85.00 for good seats to it while my Bride would NOT have enjoyed the acts. Instead, we spent a wonderful and relaxing weekend together and did things we BOTH enjoy.

    Since this article went up I have received numerous phone calls and I think you'll find them interesting.

    Several people were offered FREE tickets to the event and they refused to go. Again, no matter if its free or discounted, people made other plans and simply didn't go. I know of a large group that was offered a LOT of VIP tickets and none of them went either.

    Some serious lessons can be learned from the mistakes of this event. Don't set it up when other big events are going on. Don't lower the prices at the last minute and take notes from Fernando's events and open up ticket prices at $10.00 to $15.00 each. Other country groups would be wise. Consider marketing the event with other local news sources and STOP this exclusivity, it doesn't work any more.

  29. They paid $350,000 for the whole entertainment... Should have just put that donation in the bsnk...

  30. The free tickets were that from the sponsors that was mentioned earlier. Let's face it folks it was a losing show and we just move on. Hope the United Way can make it up with something else.

  31. The United Way is run by a bunch of liberals throwing away money on events they have no experience with. Can you say private party with your donations.

  32. White Folks cannot jamSeptember 25, 2011 at 7:22 PM

    Looky here yo, da reason it were not no good cause you don't have no RAPPERS. Yuu'd had Rappers it would da sold out.

  33. To top it all off, the last act, Kenny Loggins, was flabbergasted so many empty seats right in front of him. Twice, he invited the people in the stands to come on the field to fill in the empty chairs. I feel he really wanted to feel the energy up close from the people. The security would not allow it. At 7:30, believe me, no more people were coming that weren't already there. What a slap to the people that did show up. This was a chance to thank us in a small way that would have meant something to us as well as Loggins. I really felt embarrassed and mad that one small gesture that could have promoted so much goodwill could not be granted by whomever is responsible for the decision. Smallsbury at its finest.

  34. Sucess of a fight vs a concert vs Sunfest, even though two were new venues to this ares, why one better attendend than the other? First,tickets were outragous, next, beach events draw families and all types.Mostly,seems catering to an audience of men makes a difference. Lower Shore is more an agricultual society which favors farming, hunting, fishing, pumpkin chucking, etc., over art and culture.

  35. Tim Feist has done a great job running PRMC into the ground, now it seems he's doing the same thing at the United Way. Great job Tim!!! Next time take your suit jacket off when wearing a t-shirt....it doesn't look cool because you ain't cool.

  36. I have lived in "Smallsbury" for one 30 years now and I have to admit, arts and culture are at the bottom of the list compared to where I come from. If it's not about hunting, fishing, boating, fighting....it's a good chance that the locals won't come out to enjoy it. I am very surprised that the Broadway shows that are at the civic center even are a success - but then again, I have always been able to get tickets at the last minute for those also.

  37. Anonymous said...

    To top it all off, the last act, Kenny Loggins, was flabbergasted so many empty seats right in front of him. Twice, he invited the people in the stands to come on the field to fill in the empty chairs. I feel he really wanted to feel the energy up close from the people. The security would not allow it. At 7:30, believe me, no more people were coming that weren't already there. What a slap to the people that did show up. This was a chance to thank us in a small way that would have meant something to us as well as Loggins. I really felt embarrassed and mad that one small gesture that could have promoted so much goodwill could not be granted by whomever is responsible for the decision. Smallsbury at its finest.

    September 25, 2011 7:23 PM

    The problem is those people in the cheap seats did not pay for those seats up front so the have no right to them. Kudo's to Shorebirds Security for not allowing them to go the the good seats.

  38. I think If you want to see a return on this next year, bring in some bands that appeal to the younger crowds. I'm 35 and I've only heard the names of these performers with no desire to listen to them, And maybe keep the tix under $60?

  39. One point everybody seemed to miss:
    A STADIUM? For these artists? Are you kidding? Did somebody think these were the Beatles or something?
    These acts scream out for a somewhat - OK, a LOT - more intimate venue, hence Kenny Loggins request for everybody to "move down".
    Also: "ChickenStock"? The name alone doomed this venture from the get-go.
    When I first heard of it (and I'm not kidding on this) I thought it was some sort of cooking exhibition. Was this name passed through a panel for an OK? I hope so, because if it was just one guy, he's a total idiot when it comes to marketing, and he'll take sole blame.
    Venue - ticket price - SunFest - all contributed to this failure.
    And yes, I agree that they should have contacted you for promotion - and not because of "you" (you have to admit that you are somewhat of a polarizing figure in this area sometimes!), but they should have contacted EVERYBODY and ANYBODY that could help them promote this thing.
    The saddest part of all, with the exception that the charities didn't get needed funds, is that for that kind of money they could've booked ONE "A"-class act, with many local groups to open for them, and maybe filled the place.
    Marketing geniuses they are not.

  40. There were several things which would have helped this fund raiser be (more?) successful. First of all, WHY SCHEDULE IT AT THE SAME TIME AS THE BIGGEST EVENT IN THE AREA? Sunfest attracts huge crowds each year, in spite of the unpredictable weather. Berlin has added their Fiddlers event. I don't see why anybody would try to compete with those.
    We heard the pricing of this event and instantly decided it was too rich for our blood. Granted it's a fund raiser...still, most Wicomico county area families are working class folks, struggling to get by.
    Good intentions by the United Way folks gets a passing grade. Might I suggest that in future fund raising attempts-Stick with what you know, and I hope you don't have to PAY to get clear of this. That would suck.

  41. Lower Shore is more an agricultual society which favors farming, hunting, fishing, pumpkin chucking, etc., over art and culture.

    September 25, 2011 8:26 PM

    Sad, but probably true.

  42. The problem is those people in the cheap seats did not pay for those seats up front so the have no right to them. Kudo's to Shorebirds Security for not allowing them to go the the good seats.

    September 26, 2011 12:20 AM

    lmao cheap seats? I don't think there were any cheap seats.

    And if security wouldn't allow what the entertainer asked for, well that just shows the mentality around here. Just another slap in the face to an already failed venue.

  43. Interesting thought 6:36AM. I have wondered all weekend how much this is going to take out of the pockets of those organizations who really depend on the United Way's help. And for all those who have for years encouraged their employees to donate to United Way, how disappointing that will be when and if we learn the bottom line of this show. Someone has to take responsibility for this failure and the promoter was interviewed last night and she certainly wasn't doing so.

  44. I, many times, have attempted to put together bus trips to musical and cultural/entertainment events to various venues off the Eastern Shore. I have kept the price down to bare bone minimum and still can't fill the bus to even pay for the bus. Maybe if I would run a bus to the Farm Show or Soy Bean Convention I would fill the bus!!!

  45. It is so sad that the public would rather see some one beat the hell out of each other than listen to music or see educatioal stuff.

  46. Quoting 12:20 am
    " The problem is those people in the cheap seats did not pay for those seats up front so the have no right to them. Kudo's to Shorebirds Security for not allowing them to go the the good seats."

    I paid 85 dollars for my seat with no complaint to help "a good cause". I do not consider that cheap. To have come down as Kenny Loggins invited should not have been a slap to those that paid more as there was at most an hour left of a 10 hour event. Judging from the person who left this comment, I also see class division is alive and well in smallsbury. Too bad - most of those who feel this way are really just mediocre fish in a very small pond. Holy cow, what pompous arses.

  47. Word is that UW paid the promoter $150,000 up front and lost more than $100,000 on this joke.
    Heads should roll big time.

  48. I tried to put together a really fun day trip to the Eastern Shore to visit the Barrier Island Museum, have a great lunch and visit a local winery in the area for a tour of their vineyards and a wine tasting and could only get a hand full of folks even interested. The time and effort of getting all the details and price worked out in order that everyone would have a fun day and learn about the history and culture of the Lower Eastern Shore proved to be all in vain. But yet thousands of people show up to see people get beat up in an arena. Guess I need to rethink the mentality.

  49. To correct a commenter's post, after much deliberation, security DID allow people to come on to the field and fill up the more costly seats. Security hesitated because these same people that bombarded the field after security allowed them on, were some of the same people trying to rush the field during CCRevisted. That behavior as well as the chants of "Let them in, Let them in" over Loggins' performance allows "Smallsbury" to continue to live up to its purported title.

  50. Why not spend that kind of money on ONE big name music group (even a B tier group) and then have local/regional bands fill in the line up. I totally agree that the $85 ticket price was beyond the reach of most folks living in this area. Couple that with the competition of Sunfest and it was doomed from the beginning.

  51. I agree with many of the suggestions to make the event better. I, like many others, had heard all the hype on TV & radio leading up to the announcement of the event. I was at work listening to the radio with pen and paper ready to jot down the bands that would be appearing...needless to say, I didn't use the paper or pen. I was so disappointed at the lineup. The event should have been geared to the age group that goes to concerts and the bands should have been more current. I would have paid the $85 ticket price and maybe higher if the lineup had been more appealing. They had too much of an odd array, if you are a Dionne fan, your probably not a Marshall Tucker Band fan. The lineup only attracted the "older" crowd & they don't go to concerts like the younger crowd does...I'm 48 and I wasn't interested at all. Whoever the promoter is, he should have known better. The WYCC does a better job at bringing concerts in thats for sure. If anyone decides to put together a similar event I hope they are reading these comments and hear what we want. A lineup of country bands, a mix of local bands and a couple of big names would have drawn a huge crowd in my opinion. They could have even thrown in a little southern rock. When I heard the lineup, I knew it was doomed from the start. I'd pay $100 to have a day of great music and fun!

  52. Someone posted that the weather was to blame. That can't be true for an event that has been promoted actively for so many months. Even if weather kept people from actually showing up, any decent advanced sales would have precluded any last minute weather changes. Plus, the coordinators of Chicken Flop should have been well aware of the possibilities of poor weather here on the eastern shore and had some contingent plans made for that. Either way, very poor planning, promotion and a waste of money that didn't have to be.

  53. Why isn't someone demanding accountability for this waste of charitable resources? Why aren't "heads rolling" for this horrible insult? Is it the good old boy network protecting the elite at the expense of the poor?


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