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Monday, September 19, 2011

Campaign To Forgive Student Loan Debt Gains Momentum Online

WASHINGTON - Student loans can weigh on a person for years, and that's got some people hoping for a personal bailout.

By Sunday afternoon, more than 270,000 people have signed an online petition sponsored by MoveOn.org, urging Congress to forgive student loan debt.

The petition reads, "Forgiving the student loan debt of all Americans will have an immediate stimulative effect on our economy ... Americans would suddenly have hundreds, or in some cases, thousands of extra dollars in their pockets each and every month with which to spend on ailing sectors of the economy."



  1. To save money I went to Community College for three years, lived at home, and then went to Salisbury to finish out my degree all while working. I have been out of school for seven years and I only have four grand left to pay on my loans.... and I make over 80 grand a year.

    Meanwhile, I have friends that went away to study at a D1 university for four years and have racked up over 100,000 dollars in loans and only make 60 grand a year.

    There is no way I'm paying for these morons made bad decisions. This will never gain traction but the sheer idea of this makes my blood boil.

  2. wait! can i get back all the money i paid back?

  3. Everybody wants a handout! As a middle class citizen I am sick and tired of paying for everyone else's lifestyle. I couldn't afford to go to college, so I didn't go. I entered the workforce instead of racking up thousands of dollars in student loans. I couldn't afford a McMansion, but I still bought a home within my means and in 6 years it will be paid for. The mentality of today is "lets live it up" and let someone else pay the bill.

  4. This is shameful, and exactly what America has become. We are the country of free hand outs, free mortgages, and now free higher education.

  5. I'm not saying this is right. I don't need it. But it's about time the government does something to bail me out. lol

  6. I to went to Salisbury to finish my education. I don't make 80K a year but not far from it. Why should I have to pay for other students because they felt like going to big name schools. That is what is wrong with kids coming out of school today, they think everything should be given to them. No one paid for my student loans and why I have to pay for their loans.

  7. why not? sounds like a good idea to me. Considering most of the minorities go to college for free using our tax $. I'm sure most of these people who owe these loans are middle class white kids. We give enough away to the freeloaders and lazy welfare slobs. We forgave the loans all the other counties owed us! why not free these folks up who actually work and pay taxes!

  8. This is the new America!

  9. If this BS passes, I will never give a cent to charity, because I will have already given my fair share.

  10. This is nuts. Just remember, IF this goes through, yes, it will be THIS administration who did it, BUT, also remember, the Republicans have the power to stop it.
    Therefore, it'll be the Republicans who put it through. Let's face it, MOST of these students with the loans are probably from Republican families!

  11. Rediculous thought! They borrowed the money---then they pay it back---It's that Simple!

  12. Most people have no business going to college, the world needs ditch diggers too! Just look at the students at UMES, what a waste!

  13. Honestly,I barely got through high school 41 years ago.College was not an option for me.SU,or whatever it was called then only cost several thousand $ a year.However,regardless of how much or how little it cost,I would'nt have even considered going for nothing.Also,12:16 has a very valid point.He/she may have been joking,but the point is valid.

  14. hey, lets start a campaign to forgive all mortgages!


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