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Monday, September 12, 2011

Arizona Police Raid Church They Call House Of Prostitution

PHOENIX - More than 30 people were indicted after Phoenix police raided a church that they said was being used as a house of prostitution, FOXNews.com reported Saturday.

Police arrested 18 people during Wednesday's raid at the Phoenix Goddess Temple, according to myFOXphoenix.com. So far, 33 people have been indicted, most of them employees.

One of the accused said he is a spiritual warrior and a healer at the temple where he works.

"To be raided in my church ... it's really sad to see what things have come down to," 23-year-old Alex Averill said.



  1. OK.....I'm getting a job there! Or I should start a spiritual healing center like that one right here in the Bury. I will not accept nearly as much in donations as long as I can make it up in volume. Oh Yeah! We'll call it therapy via booty call. Our motto "If your buyin' I'm flyin'"

  2. Was Harry Reid there ?

  3. When I see the numbers 33 and 23 in the 1st 3 paragraphs I know the story is written in code.


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