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Thursday, September 22, 2011

American Family Association Doesn't Want You To Taste Ben & Jerry's Schweddy Balls

The inaccurately named American Family Association — those not-at-all-absolutely-insane people who boycott stores for not associating Jesus' birthday with deep discounts — has a special "project" called One Million Moms, which is apparently the number of mothers the AFA would want us to believe are truly upset about Ben & Jerry's Schweddy Balls flavor of ice cream.

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  1. I guess I'm one of those prudes cuz I don't like it either.

    I guess b&j's target group was the young and immature ones.

    In that case, I think they succeeded.

  2. Ben and Jerry's is pure junk and shouldn't even be called ice cream. If you don't believe me just look at the ingredients. They have already been called out on their deceptive labeling practices. Absolutely not a thing natural about this brand.
    This so called ice cream has a ton of ingredients in it compared to real ice cream.
    They come up with all these crazy "flavors" to disguise the gritty shortening taste and texture of the base of the so called ice cream.
    Instead of ice cream it ought to be called "Frozen Flavored Shortening."

  3. Homemade is best. MMMM fresh peaches in the summertime make a great ice cream.

  4. the name doesnt offend me at all but it doesn't sound appetizing either so i think it's hurting ben & jerrys more than it is hurting my family. a friend said it well when he said "kids aren't going to think twice about the double entendre of the name, and if they get it on their own, then it's already too late."

  5. Screwy name, but thats typical for B&G's. I truly don't care as long as they don't take Bonnaroo Buzz off the market!

  6. I bought it because I liked the ingredients. But the end product wasn't that great.

  7. heres a novel idea, "if you dont like it, dont get it!" why does everyone bring the battle to everyone ELSE'S front door? if you dont want to eat happy meals, dont order them from mcds. if you dont like schweddy balls, dont buy it. if you dont like TSA patdowns, drive! its really simple. yet, we decide we need to go on these huge crusades for some reason. what ever happened to personal accountability?

  8. It is based on a Saturday Night Live skit featuring Alec Baldwin. One of their funniest skits ever.

  9. so well said, 9:00, its very disturbing that no one is responsible for their own actions anymore. if you do something stupid, or do something wrong, it's not your fault if you can find anyone or anything at all to blame it on.

  10. ben and jerry's ice creme isn't that great anyway. they continue to lose the market share and money. oh well.

  11. I disagree with those of you who say their ice cream isn't that great. I think its some of the best on the market.

    On another note, it cracks me up how some, (like 9:46) know how much money they make and where their losses are in the market.

    Pure BS, if you ask me. Yeah, I trust every commenter that uses the name anonymous.

  12. I agree with you 7:33 a.m 9 23 2011
    Peach ice in the summer is super.My old boss use to make it.
    Wonderful treat.Name was to just get attention, and it did.!

  13. i personally think its funny. would i skip that one when calling out the names of ice creams to my 4 year old to select one? yes. would i buy it and joke with my friends about eating schweddy balls and how good they are? H3LL YES! i'm laughing right now thinking about all the joking we can do.

    Get a sense of humor people, geeze!

  14. I am sure Ben and Jerry are crying all the way to the bank.


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