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Monday, September 12, 2011

5 Years Ago Today


  1. Though he totally gets on my nerves at times, I can't help it I still love Sheriff Lewis!
    I believe his heart is in the right place and he deeply cares about his community.

  2. Mike has forgotten where he came from plain and simple.

  3. He's not the man we elected. Maybe he is and we just didn't see the real Mike Lewis. 2:12 the only person he cares about is Mike Lewis.

  4. Mike is doing his job - a good one Iin my opinion. Just because you think he screwed you does not mean he is wrong. Most of the time people can do their job well without a lot of static from the peanut gallery. He is paid to run the office as he sees fit. If you don't like it just shut up and vote him out next election.

  5. I disagree with you 4:35. I don't think Mike Lewis only cares about himself. I remember the anger in his face and voice while the Sarah Foxwell incident was going on and also his anger just the other day when he announced that Jess Davis had committed suicide. I can see Sheriff Lewis hates crime and the criminals who committed them with a passion. And then if you pay attention his demeanor totally changes when he speaks of the victims and you can see the pain in his face.
    No one will ever convince me that he does not care about his community.

  6. anonymous 5:50, of course Mike cares.

    However, let me ask you this. If Mike cares as much as you like to express, why would he want to censor the majority of residents in Wicomico County by refusing Salisbury News into a PUBLIC Press Conference. Mike knows the LAW. Mike also knows ALL Press Conferences are public Press Conferences as they are ELECTED officials.

    Mike Lewis is a wonderful man, Father and Son. Work is work and personal is personal.

  7. Joe, The first comment is mine also and I did say that Mike gets on my nerves at times.

    I also agree with you and Mike needs to get with the times and come to the realization that blogs have arrived and are here to stay and before long, will have replaced most print newspapers nationwide. Refusing Sby News' presence at the press conference was uncalled for. I have a feeling one day sooner than later all the local politicians will need the blogs and it's unwise to burn bridges with the bloggers.
    My second comment was in response to the reader who commented that the only person who Mike Lewis cares about is Mike Lewis.


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