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Friday, August 19, 2011

Today's Survey Question

With all the "Flash Mobs" going on around the country, do you believe local governments should be proactive and enforce a curfew?


  1. no. that infringes on others' rights. if you want to curb this habit, shoot on sight. no questions asked. mom complains her son died, tough. shouldve kept him home.

  2. We have needed a curfew in Salisbury for years now for all those below the age of 18.

  3. I'm with 11:04. It will only take a couple of dead losers before they will think twice. If they don't think twice, just reload!

  4. people in this town will do nothing. this place is all talk.

  5. They will all get caught. Don't you think the cops can check cell phone usage by cell tower on figure out who these P.O.S. are?

  6. More government over-reach into our lives. Why should the many suffer for the actions of few?

  7. 12:29 PM

    Over reach? This is a real threat that has happened in at least 3 cities in this country. Minors have no business running the streets late at night anyway.

    You want to wait until someone gets hurt or worse before anything is done? Then they will be criticized for not doing anything to prevent it.

    I think a curfew should be imposed and soon. And heaven forbid it should happen to you but if it does I would bet you would be singing a different tune.

    Thanks for posting this thread Joe.

  8. I thought Flash Mobs were those people who break into dances in unexpected places. What am I missing here?

  9. I thought Flash Mobs were those people who break into dances in unexpected places. What am I missing here?

    August 19, 2011 1:13 PM

    The recent stories about London, Philly, Western Maryland, and the latest one in Kansas City, Mo. where three teens got shot.

    I have seen the flash mobs you refer to, but these are not them.

  10. No curfews, just catch the bad people. They will do more and more sooner or later and get caught anyway. The best method is to give every clerk in the store a spray can of Wasp Spray. I promise you, that will fix them!!! Since they are not armed, if a police shoots them it would be hell to pay, so the clerks should just use the wasp spray on them.!!!!!

  11. The police are waiting until the mob disperses before responding.

  12. For those who don't know " flash mobs" are large groups of blacks robbing stores or attacking white people with provocation for fun.

  13. "without provocation"

  14. Its simple make Maryland an easy concealed permit state. It should be anyway

  15. Now I understand why they had segregation.

  16. Yeah. a curfew is a good idea. that way crimes can be committed on a timely manner and everyone can be home in bed for a good night's sleep.

  17. No curfews, just catch the bad people. They will do more and more sooner or later and get caught anyway

    3:02 PM

    Oh come one. You can't be serious. Let them keep doing anything they want and sooner or later they will be caught?

    Wasp spray? smh. Are you a kid? Are you high? Are you a high kid?

    That is about the dumbest thing I have heard today.

  18. 7:20
    Actually wasp spray is a good idea for protection. It sprays a lot further than pepper spray and its not illegal to have around.


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