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Monday, August 08, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Do you think the "No Child Left Behind Act" has made the nation's public schools better or worse?


  1. it was a travesty to the public education system. so i guess that's a vote for "worse"

  2. Not only has it made the schools worse, but also our future.

  3. NCLB is a national travesty.

  4. the inability of parents and educators to discipline children has made it worse.

  5. Much worse. It created factory schools.

  6. The "No Child Left Behind Act" has exposed the union teachers for teh incompetent slugs that they are.
    Lets open up competition in the education of our kids.
    Vouchers for private schools would be a good start.

  7. Worse. And our Children Have George W. Bush to thank for that!

  8. It's more like EVERY child left behind. Disaster!

  9. Lets push the kids through schools and see what our future holds, I see this everyday! no only are kids not able to read, but have no drive to get jobs or even work. The basic growth of a child is education. Without some form of education, we have no future!

  10. I have a child that began public school the year NCLB began. What a God-Awful horrible mess they've created! Bright kids are bored to tears, average kids aren't curious at all, and there is now an entire generation of kids that have to do NOTHING to excel. They have aides who help them take the tests, they can barely write and everyone, including the majority of the teachers (they're not ALL bad, you know)has suffered.

  11. When no body fails, then no body wins.


  12. 11:38
    Bush signed it but Chappaquidic Teddy authored "No Child Left Behind"

  13. The "No Child Left Behind Act" has exposed the union teachers for teh incompetent slugs that they are.
    Lets open up competition in the education of our kids.
    Vouchers for private schools would be a good start.

    So now that the Act is in effect the teacher suddenly are unfit to teach?

    The problem with the act has nothing to do with the teachers and everything to do with being "politically correct". No matter what the teachers teach the kids today, they will be pushed to the next grade. It actually makes it easier on the teachers because it does not matter what the kids learn they will move on anyway. If you want your kids to go to a private school, THEN PAY FOR IT.

  14. Tens of millions for non-achieving children who still aren't achieving. Nothing for the rest. Schools are worse.
    Teachers are blamed when children who come from generations of non-workers refuse to work or even behave in school. Guess blaming teachers is more politically correct than blaming cultures.

  15. Worae...Bush's folly

  16. 12:11
    I did in fact pay for private school for my daughter, but why should I also pay for public schools that I'm not using.
    Give me the choice to pay for public or pay for private and end the union government monopoly

  17. 12:11

    "So now that the Act is in effect the teacher suddenly are unfit to teach"
    No, now that the act requires testing, it is becoming evident that the teachers have always been unfit to teach.
    The government school system is broken!

  18. 1:03, you opted to send your child to private school, but you need to pay to keep our public schools going just as I do. I'm retired (from teaching), but I still have to pay for schools until the day I die, just as taxpayers paid for me to attend Wicomico Co. Schools. Actually, most private schools are inferior to public ones, with the possible exception of Salisbury School and Worcester Prep. As far as the NCLB Act goes, the idea behind it had lots of merit. Bush and Kennedy pushed it because our schools and our kids were falling behind other countries'. It turned out to be largely a failure mostly because of the high-stakes testing. Teachers have been forced to "teach to the test," something certainly not intended when NCLB was put into place. I think NCLB needs to stay but also needs a complete overhaul.

  19. It's a joke like everything else.

  20. If parents would take some responsibility all aspects of children growing up would be better - both school and private life. Parents just want to keep blaming someone else for any problems their children have instead of parenting themselves.

  21. I have 5 kids in Wicomico County public schools. One is in GATE at Bennett and 2 are in the magnet program at north salisbury. (The younger two are too young to qualify for the programs.) Wicomico has created unique programs to help talented kids excel. Sure NCLB is ridiculous, but there are excellent teachers and opportunities here that didn't exist in the school system we came from. We need to take time to praise the good work that's being done too. Children's success has a lot more to do with the parents and society than with the teachers.

  22. Kids are baby goats, I wish we would stop using this term that demeans our children and is being used more and more frequentlyatelec. The thousand plus pages of the NCLB tells us a lot, first it is just more bureaucracy, second, how could it do any good, who has read it all? So, I think things are worse no matter who is at fault. States should be responsible for public education not the national government.

  23. Between the cheating (see other stories) and the lowered standards for the test (so the failure rate isn't too high) NCLB is a miserable dismal failure and waste of money...another place where the government stuck its fingers in the pie....

  24. worse. get rid of the federal Department of Education and give that money back to the states and counties. The closer we keep our money to home the closer watchdawgs can keep an eye on the trail of money.

  25. Worse.
    Just look at Wicomico County Detention Center.
    It's full of young people of all nationality.
    And, most don't even have a high school diploma.
    Kids today would be better off home school.
    Unfortunately, most parents can't afford to stay home and home school their kids.
    NCLB was a BIG waste of tax payers money.
    Can I have my money back for the program that didn't do a thing for our kids?

  26. Worse for sure. That's where your tax dollars get wasted...big money is spent on the testing program, getting textbooks that match the test, and paying number crunchers to tell you that kids aren't doing well on the test, and paying for consultants to help teachers teach to test. Get rid of NCLB and you'll free up quite a bit of tax money.

  27. Worse. The ones being left behind are the more intelligent students. The are bored because they have to listen to hours of things a day that they already know, when they really should be moving ahead.

  28. Actually, most private schools are inferior to public ones,

    LMAO. What? And you said that with a straight face? lol This is an example of what has been teaching your 'kids' folks.

    Kids are baby goats, I wish we would stop using this term that demeans our children and is being used more and more frequentlyatelec

    But a moron is still a moron. Now, what the heck is that last word you put up there? Is that goat feed for the 'kids'? lol

    I think goats are more intelligent that some adults and their 'kids'. Put that in your PC pipe and smoke it.

  29. It doesn't mean every failing child gets passed! It means, there's education there for every child and those who need help will get it!

  30. Wicomico took Title 1 from many schools this year and placed the funds into one of the worse schools in Wicomico County, Prince Street.The same old mess, more money will make better schools. If these kids do not want to learn, they will not. It is not the teachers fault, but the NCLB mess that does not work.Remember the old saying,"you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." If these kids don't want to learn, have a school for all kids not meeting standards. This will remove them and allow the kids who want to learn, learn.

  31. 113 shut up. The end.


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