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Monday, August 01, 2011

Spend Only 4 Years Working For The City And Look What You Get

Yet, if you spend 20 years, (like Colburn Dykes) or 12 years, (like Alan Webster) Jim Rapp, John Jacobs, Gary Comegys, Lynn Cathcart, Mike Dunn and the list goes on and on and you get NOTHING.

Makes you wonder what kind of crush some may have had on this man to provide such a dedication. Who will be next, the Mayor's Interns?


  1. He got the propeller, we got the shaft.

  2. Methinks there is a great deal of iniquity about this. Colburn Dykes did one hell of a job and what did he get?????? Guess as 5:43 says, he got the shaft. Salisbury and the mare should be ashamed over that mess

  3. You obviously didn't know Wilmer. When he served in Viet Nam he never lost a single soldier that
    he commanded in combat. If you
    listened to Wilmer, you knew how
    to do things right the first time.
    His service to the city lasted only 4 years because he died in the same Idaho plane crash that killed Colburn Dykes. These two men had more character and deserved more respect than all the others on your list combined.

  4. Isn't it funny how people want to complain about someone that was loved by this city receiving a monument, made of a boat propeller that was just sitting in a city building taking up space? What do you think the city did, buy one for a hundreds of thousands of dollars??? Why don't you find something more productive to complain about than a monument to an amazing and admirable man that also happened to be my uncle. Complain about why all the others did not receive one instead of attacking someone who did, as if he were undeserving.

  5. Pragmatic, IF you happen to be speaking to me personally, I never once attacked the man.
    I simply stated he was on the job 4 years and others served for far more and never received any recognition, especially Dykes.

  6. Howard Landing has been with the City of Salisbury for 42 years. Joe Calloway, Bill Sumpter, Tom Luffman... there are a lot of people that worked for the city for over 30 years that the city has never recognized and never will. The one exception is Pete Cooper.

  7. The monument was from his employees, not the Mayor. They requested permission to erect the monument and it was granted. Permission was granted to place it where it is, because one of the projects he had last worked on was the exercise stations along that park trail. They used the existing boat prop and their own time and efforts to create this. Don't think a "crush" was involved, as you so eloquently put it.

  8. wow... would a retired army guy really want a propeller as a monument...

    Go Army. Beat Navy?

  9. Really shouldn't use the names, webster, rapp, comegys, cathcart and dunn in the same breath as Colburn Dykes.

    Mayor Tilghlman didn't like him, he must have been doing something right!

  10. Well it does say dedicated from the Department of Public Works so it does seem that it was donated from his co-workers. All in all it is sad to see people arguing over such petty causes any more. This man dedicated his life to serving our country and serving Salisbury, Maryland. I do not know him personally but from what I have read on here he would have been mad to be the center of attention and causing an uproar for what he thought was doing the right thing.


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