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Friday, August 05, 2011

Rep. Andy Harris Signs FAA Reauthorization Bill As Presiding Officer

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Andy Harris presided over the House session as the designated Speaker Pro Tempore, and signed two bills, including the controversial FAA reauthorization extension bill. The bill temporarily restores the agency’s authorities and is expected to be signed later today by President Obama.
                “The FAA and the aviation industry are a vital part of the American economy, and the House recognized that by sending this reauthorization over to the Senate weeks ago.  I’m glad that the Secretary finally took the time to read the bill to discover that it specifically gave him the authority to waive the controversial parts of the bill, thus paving the way for Senate approval. It is unfortunate, however, that we had to furlough tens of thousands of workers in the interim, and that the Senate and the Administration remain unwilling to cut wasteful government spending like the $3,720 individual airline ticket subsidy for each passenger at the Ely, Nevada airport,” said Rep. Harris. “Eventually, we have to bring permanent common sense accountability to Washington and get wasteful spending like this under control if we ever hope to control our federal debt and deficit.”
                Today, the Senate passed the FAA extension which the House previously approved over two weeks ago on July 20th.

1 comment:

  1. they will get all their back pay just like last time.Big joke.


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