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Saturday, August 06, 2011

Quote Of The Day 8-6-11


  1. Great sign! I recently saw a great bumper sticker "Will Rogers never met Obama!"

  2. That's right Obama ran of a platform of hope. I hope he gets elected out of office.

    I wonder what Joe the plummer has to say about Obama now? Be a nice youtube.

    Spread the word, vote out the turd

  3. Alex is in hiding...lol

  4. come on out alex and tell us what you would do to turn this econ around. i'm sure you and your buds have some "super" ideas.

  5. This should be the Republican party's slogan !

  6. 8:49, LOL !!!! i want that bumper sticker.
    great sign.

  7. Great sign! wonder if president a@@hole will wish he didn't take credit and get his "slam dunk" on now that the SEAL Team Six members have been killed. Secracy was lost and too much was shared. Now look at the result! A@@hole!!!

  8. You guys on this board crack me up. Especially with entirely baseless idiotic comments like 1:37. Because you know, there were never any choppers taken down by enemy fire before Obama showed up (removing tongue from cheek now). This economy is a big $hi+ sandwhich that we're all eating right now because of bad decisions/performance of leaders on the left AND the right. What makes it worse is that there are so many of you partisan bozos out there that can't see it


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