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Monday, August 08, 2011

Obama: US Will Always Be A AAA-Rated

President responds to S&P downgrade of nation's long-term debt rating

President Barack Obama said Monday that the United States will always be a AAA-rated country, responding to Standard & Poor's decision late Friday to cut the long-term debt rating for the U.S. by one notch to AA+ from AAA.

Speaking on the downgrade issue at the White House Monday, Obama urged lawmakers to work together to tackle the nation’s deficit.

“We didn’t need a rating agency to tell us we need a balanced, long-term approach to deficit reduction,” he said. “My hope is that Friday’s news will give us a renewed sense of urgency.”


  1. There went my lunch , what happened to the KKK when you need them.

  2. 2:45
    I'm not so sure about the KKK. Obama is his own worst enemy.
    Someone said it in an earlier post to a different comment.
    1. It's Bushes fault.
    2. It's the T.E.A. party's fault.
    3. It's S&P that don't know what they're doing.
    4. It's Reagans fault.
    5. I inherited this mess.
    6. The 45 people that own their own jets need to pay more taxes.
    7. Give Obama a chance.
    8. You're a racist for criticising Obama.
    9. We need more stimulus spending.
    10. How about cash for calkers
    11. Green jobs will save us.
    12. Republicans want to pollute the air, starve your kids, and throw grandma off a cliff!
    13. Geitner was using Turbo Tax to advise Obama on how to proceed

  3. He wants the
    Tea Partiers and Republicans to be willing to compromise. To him that means rollover and do things his way and stop being obstructionist. Those folks gotta understand, despite the fact S&P says spending needs to be drastically reduced, he is the economics guru and He needs more money to spend. Period, end of discussion, so get out of His way and compromise.

  4. Speaking of racist 3:08 , I will add that I'm a total racist now.
    I didn't used to be , but this idiot "obama" put me over the edge.

  5. WHEN did obama become a proponent of deficit reduction? And "long-term" to him means "until the next election is over". All he needs to do is hang on the 49% of the people who don't work, don't contribute, and don't produce. As long as he can keep giving them money, he's golden.

  6. Come on folks. The elections are fixed. Obama like Dubya' and Slick Willie work for the financial elite of the world. They could care less what the people want or need. And with electronic voting machines, they hardly even need to convince us any longer of their master plans. They soon will just roll right over us right out in the open. The American people have become so soft and gullible.

  7. Is it a coincidence that within 3 years of having our first black president our credit score drops off the cliff? Or is it Satan? Yeah, yeah....I KNOW the USA doesn't have a "score". Thank G. If it did, it would have went fom 850 to 575... You get the picture. We'd be buying our military vehicles at one of those weekly "buy here, pay here" places. Getting our Humvees re-pop'd on a daily basis. Thank you obama.

  8. We will never be aaa when we got a ddd in the white house.


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