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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


You know those deadbeats who haven’t made a mortgage payment in over a year? Obama wants to take your tax dollars and let these scumbags refinance their underwater mortgage at 4%. He’d like to do it through your backdoor by having Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac take on another $70 billion of losses. These two wonderfully run organizations have already lost $130 billion of your tax dollars, so what’s another $70 billion.

This is how a socialist views the world. I have been making my monthly mortgage payments faithfully for 16 years. It doesn’t matter whether the value of the house is lower or higher than the mortgage. I have a financial obligation and I honor it. There are millions of deadbeats who have lived far above their means, took on too much debt, and never saved for a rainy day. Now they are living in homes for one or two years without making the legally required mortgage payment.
Obama feels their pain. His solution is to take my tax dollars and help the deadbeat out.

People make bad decisions every day. There are consequences to bad decisions, just as there are benefits to good decisions. Obama wants to reward the people who made bad decisions at the expense of the people who made good decisions. This is just another form of warped Keynesian thinking. These blithering idiots believe that the reduction in mortgage payments will boost the economy. Absolutely ridiculous!!! These morons haven’t been making any mortgage payments. They were already spending that freed up cash on iPhones and HDTVs.

What kind of country have we become? People who can’t or won’t make their mortgage payments need to be booted out on their fat asses. It’s time for them to rent or live in their mother’s basement. The housing market needs to be cleared of the massive oversupply through price discovery. At a low enough price, someone who had been renting and saving their money will be able to afford one of the houses. At the right price, every house will sell. The banks need to write-off their bad mortgages. If that pushes them into bankruptcy, so be it. An orderly liquidation of their assets has been precedent for a couple hundred years.

Don’t let Obama screw you again.



  1. Hate to say it, guys and gals. Just lay back and enjoy it, 'cause we're gonna get four more years of this socialist.

  2. I believe the Pres should take the funds out of his millions to help his brothers, now out of my wallet

  3. "Toubled times"?


  4. Can someone please tell me the rewards for being responsible and doing the right thing? It seems we are the ones that get the shaft time and time again.

  5. Might those "scumbags" be apart of the 9% of america that is unemployed and who are now getting skipped over for new jobs just because they are unemployed? The idiocy on this blog no longer surprises me.

  6. A lot of this was the fault of mortgage salesmen who were given higher commissions to push people beyond what they could afford and into risky loans. People who would have been turned down before were told I will make it work for you. All about the almighty commission.

  7. It was government regulations that allowed people to buy houses the can't afford now they want to keep them in a house they can't afford. What about the people who have no home and want one they can afford but can't get a loan from Fanny or Freddie?

  8. TARP Troubled Assets Relief Program was all about George W. Bush giving his drunk wall street buddies a bailout so they could save thier overinflated egos and a$$es.
    Dont let a REPUBLICAN screw you again.

  9. 5:17, the number prove this GOP talking point wrong again and again yet you guys keep spouting it.

  10. that really is a wasted graphic
    people do not know what any of those movements were other than led by boogie men
    put and ist or ism on the end of any political movement and it scares people


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