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Friday, August 05, 2011

Mitt Romney Pledges Opposition To Gay Marriage

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney hassigned a pledge sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage promising to support a federal constitutional amendment "defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman."
The pledge also includes promises to vigorously defend the Defense of Marriage Act in courts - something the Obama administration has decided not to do - and nominate Supreme Court and federal judges who "reject the idea our Founding Fathers inserted a right to gay marriage into our Constitution."


  1. well, he just lost my vote.

  2. With the economic mess we're in, the country's long-term financial mess, and war still going on in multiple theaters, any group or individual concerned about what gays are doing is a certified IDIOT!

    ditto 8:10

  3. Well, I guess he can kiss the gay vote goodby!

  4. Republicans who think this is a big issue are going to find out that we would much rather have them focus on jobs than this kind of stuff.

  5. More smoke and mirrors so voters do not notice the real issues.

  6. Drew
    You hit the nail on the head

  7. Not to be confused with nailing a head.

  8. I'm sure this is just a small part of Romney's platform. If it's more than that, then the above comments are certainly appropriate.

  9. Look at me I can be a bigot too!


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