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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Here's The Cause Of The Power Outage In Parsonsburg Last Night

Above is a photo of a tree that blew across power lines last night on Holt Road in Parsonsburg. 
This occurred at about 5:15 pm.  Power was out all night for those affected customers and restored at about 9:15 this morning. 


  1. See that truck with the yellow lights? The men working on power lines? Those are the hero's in all this. Not someone sitting in a car with blue lights blinking.

  2. Good job Choptank and Delmarva Power, fast service is always appreciated.
    Thank you.

  3. 10:22, I respect the police and fire personnel, but in natural emergencies, the public utility and public works folks deserve the biggest kudos, agreed!

  4. 10:22 and 11:10 AM, I totally agree with you and I have no idea why the 911 center keeps sending the fire departments for wire down or wires arcing. No where in their training do the get training on power lines. It is ridiculous to dispatch them on calls like this just to get there after running lights and siren yep wires are arcing. There isn't anything a firefighter can do except tell 911 to contact Delmarva Power or Choptank. One a days a firefighter is going to get killed by a de-energized power line.

  5. good job choptank. we live in this area and "most" of the time we don't even lose power.

    this area has "alot" of dead or near dead trees that line our roads. i guess it's because of the past years drought conditions.

    does anyone know (other than falling on their own due to weather) how the bad trees are dealt with by the county? if they are on county property; is the county responsible? if it's private property is the landowner responsible?

    just wondering because if you are observant, you will see this as well. it's truly a dangerous situation......it would be good if the bad trees could be cut down in good weather.

  6. 10:22 and 11:10 AM, I totally agree with you and I have no idea why the 911 center keeps sending the fire departments for wire down or wires arcing. No where in their training do the get training on power lines. It is ridiculous to dispatch them on calls like this just to get there after running lights and siren yep wires are arcing. There isn't anything a firefighter can do except tell 911 to contact Delmarva Power or Choptank. One a days a firefighter is going to get killed by a de-energized power line.

    August 28, 2011 11:28 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    good job choptank. we live in this area and "most" of the time we don't even lose power.

    this area has "alot" of dead or near dead trees that line our roads. i guess it's because of the past years drought conditions.

    does anyone know (other than falling on their own due to weather) how the bad trees are dealt with by the county? if they are on county property; is the county responsible? if it's private property is the landowner responsible?

    just wondering because if you are observant, you will see this as well. it's truly a dangerous situation......it would be good if the bad trees could be cut down in good weather.

    August 28, 2011 11:47 AM

    We would not have this problem of multiple power outages during storms if Delmarva Power and Choptank Electric would monitor and maintain their right of ways. At the very least the power companies should monitor and evaluate the right of ways to make sure the property owners have trees cleared from the power lines. Any time you ride down a road such as Old Ocean City road and see branches and trees grown over the power lines you know that is a power outage waiting to happen. The City of Salisbury and Wicomico County should make sure power line right of way maintenance is in their Property Maintenance Codes. Just think about how much money, time and manpower is wasted on responding to these calls if the codes were enforced to exercise property maintenance around the power lines.

  7. i can tell you that the fire departments can secure the area to keep other idiots from driving blindly into an unsafe area.

  8. maurice said...

    i can tell you that the fire departments can secure the area to keep other idiots from driving blindly into an unsafe area.

    August 28, 2011 4:55 PM

    Well tell us how that is done!

  9. Clearly they need to do a better job keeping the power lines clear. They use to hire tree trimming companies to trim them. I live on Old Ocean City Rd and this is the second time within weeks we have lost power to a tree branch shorting a wire. We lost power at 2:30 Saturday afternoon and did not get it restored until 1:00 this afternoon. After reading this post it is discouraging to see ours should have been done first. We watched the tree arcing last night and this morning. I wonder how they determine who gets done first? It sure is not who reports it first.

  10. I live on Morris Road in Pittsville. A tree fell onto a power line last night at 5:15, and it is still there. And we are still without power.

  11. The power companies stopped responding at 7:00 pm the night of the storm. Although the city and county public works continued to remove trees, the trees that involved utility lines, can only be cleared by the utility company. This left many trees left across roadways thanks to the utility companies failing to stick it out like the public works employees. Just think how much the verizon and dp&l employees make compared to public works. Who knows when they will ever show up. Very dissapointed. The people in this picture are NOT the heroes, they are chickens.


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