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Friday, August 05, 2011

Former Marine Gets Break From Judge In Drunken-Driving Case


  1. The LAW is the law. Why would he get a break any more than any other person? I'm a Veteran of TWO services. No excuse for the Judge. He could have hurt or killed someone too.

  2. Bloxom then granted him probation before judgment. Richards will be on supervised probation for three years, must pay a $1,000 fine plus court costs of $125, must be evaluated for substance abuse and undergo any treatment deemed necessary by the probation agent and must abstain from alcohol and drugs.

    I don't see where he got a break that any other person might receive.

  3. He most certainly DID get a break. Most military people do, and it's not right. If you are miliary, law enforcement, wealthy, or know the "right" people, you get a break in this county. If not, you get a breathalizer for at least a year (very expensive), AA classes, as well as fines and supervised probation. I absolutely feel that DUI punishments should be the same for EVERYONE. I guess you (11:26 p.m.) don't think Ruark got a break, either. Wrong!


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