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Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Fill In The Blank

I'd rather give up ___________ than my cell phone.


  1. thanks to the new government program mine is free

  2. 2:07 - you may think you phone is free - It is not! It is being paid by the working people with our tax dollars!!!!!!! So why don't you send all of us working people a Thank You note!!!! So, if you do not work - Go get a job and pay for YOUR own phone bill, like the rest of us!!!

  3. I'd gladly give up the POTUS for my cell phone.

  4. A chance to reelect ___________.

  5. I would just give up the cell phone.

  6. Sex, uh wait I already have !, lol

  7. Many of the people who are getting free phones thru the State welfare are under 30 and are perfectly able to pay for their own cell phones. It is ridiculous to make working AND RETIRED people pay for this benefit. This is an "unnecessary entitlement" which is paid by everyone when they pay their phone bill.

  8. I would give up my cell phone in a heart beat if my employer didn't make me take it.
    Cell phones are for loosers!

  9. Food Stamps? If you can afford a phone, than why can't you pay for your own food? It chaps my ass to watch people on every kind of assistance possible carrying the most updated phone, driving the nicest car, etc, and us working stiffs don't have jack. or have to pay for ALL OF IT OURSELVES!! WTF?

  10. i'd rather give up my computer than my cell phone. there's not much that can be done on the computer that can't be done on a cell phone now-a-days.

  11. watching trained circus walruses juggle flaming agitated platypuses while riding unicycles on wooden planks balanced between the edges of a 50,000 gallon tank filled with jello and malt liquor... but that's just me


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