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Thursday, August 04, 2011

Dow Jones Plunges 512 Points; But Don't Worry, President Obama's Birthday Parties Unaffected

Uh, what in the world is going on here?

That humongous hard-fought debt ceiling deal that was supposed to settle things down in D.C. financially and politically seems to be doing precisely the opposite there and now around the world. And all within 48 hours.

Europe isn't buying the deal.



  1. Nero played his fiddle while Rome burned. The fall of the roman empire.
    Obama has the mentality of Idi Amin , he has joined his African culture of greed.
    We have reached the point of no return. SORRY!

  2. Mmmm , not many comments here. I would have thought some of the people would get their heads out of the sand by now. Oh well , you have made your bed , now lay in it.

  3. You clowns swore up and down that the stock market is not an indicator of anything while it made huge gains over the last year and a half. So don't jump on stocks as evidence supporting your political views now.

  4. Do not blame Obama, for he has no clue what day it is. Blame the idiots that voted the moron in.

  5. Dear 7:44 ,
    I no longer have investments in the stockmarket. I'm too old , however , politics have had 100% of the radical changes in the market over the past 50 years.
    You are one with the tunnel vision. Too late for you , sorry.

  6. I took everything out of the market when Bush Lite got reelected and bought GOLD at under 400 and oz and now cashed out I can lick my whiskers in delight


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