Joe, I wish you would report the poor service delmarva power has for the Pittsville area. power off since Saturday on Morris Road. they say it may be until Wednesday to restore.
i asked her how many in Wicomico County are still without power and she said around 425. I then asked where are all the 1000 repair people delmarva stated they had working on the outages. this just doesn't seem to compute. she said they had 1000 working as of yesterday. I then asked if that's the case where are they today and why it would then take until Wednesday to "fix" the outage? the problem was located by my nephew yesterday and there are cones around the pole. this was reported to delmarva power at that time.
I know I'm rambling but this is the story and i wish delmarva power wasn't the only game in town so to speak. thank God we have a generator but others don't and it's still inconvenient. what in the world would happen if we had gotten the "full force" of the hurricane as they predicted? just sayin'.
In case you are so isolated that you don't realize that there is life outside of Pittsville, other areas got hit much harder by the hurricane and its resulting tornadoes and flooding. Many areas have hundreds of thousands of people without power so your 425 just isn't as important to Delmarva Power.
ReplyDeleteJust put yourself in Delmarva Power's shoes, you can work to store power to:
A. An area where Over 100,000 people are without power and that area happens to be part of a major economic hub AND that area has much more devastation that would require power for clean-up and restoration or;
B. An area where 425 people are without power and that area happens to have minimal economic activity and didn't get hit as hard?
I'm not saying that you are unimportant, but in the whole grand scheme of things, you kind of are. Besides, if you have a generator, what are you really complaining about?
Don't be so selfish, Delmarva Power specifically said BEFORE the storm that there could be several areas without power for more than a week after the storm. So according to that statement, be prepared to go another 5 days or so without power.
dear just saying,
ReplyDeleteplease have your nephew locate the other outages in wicomico co.
ps. we have the extra cones.
Shame on you and your petty whining. Poor service you say. My father, who works for them, worked over 30 hours this weekend and was sent to two beach towns Saturday night. So while you are moaning that you don't have power just like they said would happened I had to worry about whether my dad was going to come home alive or not. If it were up to me they wouldn't have even started to restore power until Sunday afternoon but they worked through the hurrincane and are still continuing to work to help poor babies like you. Sorry my dad didn't risk his life enough for your convenience...what's your address I will inform him right away. Oh, and do you have a family? Send one of them out in the next hurricane and let someone complain that they aren't doing enough.
ReplyDeleteto 1:34, read the original post. it says in wicomico county there were 1000 delmarva service people as of yesterday working on outages. as of today there are 425 homes in wicomico county without power. the problem was located by an area resident yesterday and they were told it will be up to wednesday before the outage is fixed.
ReplyDeleteas far as the person with the generator, they were concerned for the people without generators as well. what don't you get about this post????? hmmmmm. 1000 service people for 425 homes in wicomico county. this is the county that's being discussed.
according to the figures in this report, they simply don't compute and there is NO excuse for the outage lasting this long. get it???
1:58, I believe those 1000 service people are working in other counties too, not just Wicomico. Look at their website at the outages listed. It might surprise you.
ReplyDeletejust talked to someone in baltimore county, they expect no power until the weekend
ReplyDeleteI work at Delmarva Power and we dont have 1000 service people across DE and MD together -- I have no idea where anyone is getting that number from. Extra crews were brought in from other states to help restore power, but over 400,000 went out in the areas we serve (even though according to Joe's site the hurricane didn't do much around here, it did). We have all been working 12 to 16 hour shifts since last week, and automated phone calls went out to every single customer last week warning of the coming hurricane and advising customers to prepare. And before any of you comment on why I'm on here, I am on my lunch break. Also, we have 9039 people out right now on Delmarva and the number hasn't been below that - maybe the 425 you are thinking of is just your circuit alone?
ReplyDeleteOur workers are doing an excellent job and have restored power to over 300,000 people in the last 24 hours. Sorry you haven't been restored yet, but we will get to you -- glad you have a generator in the meantime.
Kudos to DPL -- our power was out, too, for less than one-half hour
ReplyDelete2:55, i appreciate this info from you. when we call delmarva, this is not the info they are giving (not a recorder) by a humaniod...
ReplyDeleteat least we get a differnet perspective. we aren't selfish; just given wrong info. again; thanks....
i just want to thank Delmarva Power for working hard to get the electric back on.. It's very hard work and their safety not our comfort should be priority!
ReplyDeleteAs much as I don't like Delmarva Power and their extremely HIGH rates. They did get our power on quickly this time. We lost it Saturday evening and it came on about 5am on Sunday. When Isabel hit we watched everyone else around us get their power back on then lose it again before we finally got ours back on 3 days later.
ReplyDeletekudos to the nephew, i was told our elect just came on. wish he worked for dp&l.
ReplyDeleteThose linemen have nothing to do with our rates. They pay for electric too. They have done an excellent job restoring power, without any injuries.
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:58 PM, I'm just going to ignore your ignorant comment and assume that you aren't really that self-centered...
ReplyDeleteIt is an inconvenience to be without power. Luckily, ours only went out a few times but came back on within a minute each time.
ReplyDeleteI have the luxury of praising the workers because I'm not affected like many others are that are without power.
When you are sitting in the dark it can seem like an eternity before power is restored.
I don't think it is intentional that you still don't have power. They will get to you in due time.
I still think they have done a great job so far.
I saw one Delmarva power truck yesterday and I was all over town for 12 hours.
ReplyDelete5:37 PM
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of any outages in town, have you?
6:29 Look on delmarva power's website. it lists all the outages. not by specific addresses, but shows them all on the map and how many outages in each zip code.
ReplyDelete6:44 PM
ReplyDeleteSorry, not that interested. Are you trying to tell me there were outages in Salisbury?
If you are, I'll take your word for it.
FYI Morris rd is now fixed.
ReplyDeleteOur power blinked, twice. Never went out. Never went out in Isabel either. They must be doing something right. Falling trees create most outages in rural storms, how is that DPL's fault?
ReplyDeleteThey have not fixed all the power outages in Salisbury yet. Still 170 outages in Wicomico county alone. But they have accomplished a LOT today and helped many people get their electric back on. Thanks, Delmarva Power!
ReplyDeleteYou do what many places have done. Put the lines in the ground where trees can't fall over on the line.