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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Breaking News: A Letter To The Editor


It’s unbelievable – during the Council’s discussion of the Charter review process today, Ms. Hughes proposed considering whether there should be a minimum educational requirement to be on the Council, such as completing high school. Such a requirement would discriminate against other members her race to a much greater degree than members of the Caucasian race, to say the least.

Besides that racial discrimination aspect, there is a real question whether such a requirement would be constitutional, any more so than an educational requirement to vote.


  1. Just a resume would be useful.

  2. Should be one to vote.

  3. Hughes is feeling the pressure of not being in the majority with this council so she is striking out with personal attacks. Shame of her. I hope I she never uses the word "discrimination" again. She obviously doesn't understand the real meaning of it.

  4. How does saying there should be an educational requirement equal descrimination? I understand what the facts are, but the facts are what they are because of the work people put into school. Thats like saying the President doesn't need to be educated and that it is racial profiling to ask them to be educated....its called being logical and responsible. Last time I checked a public education was free and there are plenty of school in Salisbury.

  5. I require an IQ test before I allow you to speak.

  6. I don't think a high school diploma is too much to ask for. Although, at least some college credits would be a plus. I don't believe that everyone who does not finish high school is necessarily "dumb," because there are extenuating life circumstances that may cause some to drop out. But, on average, if you can't finish high school, you probably shouldn't try to run a city.

  7. It isn't constitutional to require a certain level of education requirement for elective office.

  8. 3:49 --

    Apparently you are not aware of the "tests" that they once used in the Southern states to keep certain persons from voting. An educational attainment requirement is simply a modern version of that method of discrimination being promoted by the more highly educated liberal elite in the Democrat party. It seems that some members of that club have forgotten their roots and see themselves as better than the rest of us because they have a degree from some institution.

  9. i completely agree with 3:49.

  10. I just consider the source , I spoke with this lady last month. I was not at all impressed. Our meeting lasted about 30 minutes and I came to the conclusion that she needs help. After our meeting it was obvious she is a pure racist. She lacks professionalism and has a limited vocabulary.
    I must admit , more education would do her some good.

  11. what's next? ....hmm, so maybe i can become a doctor after all, i didnt go to college but if we are going to start throwing out the education requirements i am one heck of a candidate to be the first surgeon with no degree. who wants to be my first patient? if no one steps up, i'll be forced to shout discrimination and sue the pants off of the general public. haha i just might win with the logic of the letter writer.

  12. I vote for the guy who graduates from the school of hard knocks and common sence over an educated fool.
    What other nonsence is she going to come up with.
    Abe Lincoln had what kind of an education?

  13. I vote for the guy who graduates from the school of hard knocks and common sence over an educated fool.
    What other nonsence is she going to come up with.
    Abe Lincoln had what kind of an education?

    Could Abe go get a high school degree for free in 12 years doubtful. And I do bet you will chose the person from the school of hard knocks since it makes so much "sence". I am not sqaying you should be required to have a doctorate or anything like that but a high school education should be at least the minimum requirement I mean these people do have a position of authority in the city. Like I said previously, I understand what the facts are. But there is a reason the facts play out the way they do. If you are not smart enough to finish high school, which is not always the reason people do not finish, then you should not be allowed to help run a city. I really don't understand how that is discrimination, then we wonder why the people on the council dont budget the cities money well enough.

  14. This whole thing is ridiculous. We all know who this is aimed at, one of the few people on the council that has actually held a real job and owned a business. Some of our greatest leaders were self educated. Obviously she is getting help from the Democratic party. This just smacks of elitist arrogance from the left.

  15. Great point 4:18!

  16. Apparently you are not aware of the "tests" that they once used in the Southern states to keep certain persons from voting. An educational attainment requirement is simply a modern version of that method of discrimination being promoted by the more highly educated liberal elite in the Democrat party. It seems that some members of that club have forgotten their roots and see themselves as better than the rest of us because they have a degree from some institution.

    Were not talking about voting, we are talking about the actual candidate who has power if elected. I can definitely understand not holding educational requirements to vote, but tobe an elected official for the city should be on a different playing field.

  17. I mean completing high school requires minimum effort at most. If you do not have unforseen circumstances then you really have no excuse as to why you can not finish your degree.

  18. Until you know those circumstances you should refrain from posting. The 1960’s were a tumultuous time and many young men had no choice but to leave school and go to work. So please by all means sit back and preach of that which you do not know.

  19. I completely agree with Sheree. Boneheads.

  20. NO citizen should be required to have an "artificial" standard set in order to be elected. Do you REALLY want to open that door? If so, you are not thinking very clearly. The prior poster selected Abe Lincoln as a good example. Thats a GREAT example, as he is listed by most Americans as one of our greatest presidents. Who are ANY of you to say that a formal education makes you better than someone else? Elitist to say the least, and coming from a black american, well, she should be ashamed to have even brought it up. I happen to know a couple of older gentleman that never graduated high school, but are successful in their own right and would make many of you look as dumb as a rock. And I would trust their judgment and wisdom over many, many people with PhD's....

  21. Will this keep Shanie off the county council? If so, I'm all in!

  22. Its common senSe, not common senCe.

  23. The Salisbury City Council should have a minimum education requirement. Do you get my drift?

  24. Things have come a long way from Abe. Go read a book.

  25. if they dont need an education i guess its ok for my 15 yr old to run.he has more common sense then most educated people.

  26. Some of you here need to go back to school for learning the difference between the city and county governments. Here, we are speaking about the elected officials at the county level.

    There are specific requirements already in place for someone to run for an elected office. Education is not one of them. And why should it be. You mean to tell me someone who has dropped out of school and joined the Army would not be qualified to run for an elected position? I see, he/she can fight for your freedom but you don't want them representing you. Give me a break. This is hogwash. And Ms. Sample-Hughes should be ashamed of herself.And this is the kind of thinking you get from someone who thinks they are educated--wonder what her degree is in. (It's not common sense)

  27. 1.5 gpa is all thats needed to pass,NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND.

  28. 5:37pm Your 15 year old would not meet the qualifications to run for an elected office.

  29. You mean to tell me someone who has dropped out of school and joined the Army would not be qualified to run for an elected position

    They is an education requirement to join the military. You cancelled your own point.

  30. 6:30pm Not back in the 50's.

  31. 6:30pm Not back in the 50's.

    August 16, 2011 6:51 PM

    This isn't the 50's.

  32. What's really scarey is that everyone has the opportunity to improve. The thought of an uneducated person from the 50s stays that way with all the opportunities available to learn. Shows how small the pea really is.

  33. Sample-Hughes need to resign NOW! I don't want someone with that thinking represent me. And, by the way, what has she done that's so important except to obstruct good issues and try and push Pollitt's agenda forward. She is just Pollitt's patsy.


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