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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Are New LED Lightbulbs As Good As The Inefficient Incandescents?

Our scientific sisters over at Consumer Reports have set out to answer the question that's on everyone's minds lately: Is an LED lightbulb really a viable replacement for the controversial-and-soon-to-be-phased-out inefficient incandescent?

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  1. I follow a simple rule of thumb. If you want the bulb to be seen (running or stop lights), use LED. If you want what the bulb shines on to be seen (headlights), use incandescent.

  2. Get ready people... $45.00 for ONE lightbulb. You can thank the enviromental "green" nut jobs for this. What a joke.

  3. I hate the new ones. They cost 5 times as much and they do NOT last any longer than the old ones.

  4. Hey, I've got an idea, let's put them all out there on the market, and the best one makes the most money! Cool, huh?

  5. you can thank Edison for the demise of the filament light bulb
    Adolphe Chaillet designed a superior bulb
    one of which is still burning after 109 years of daily use
    Edison's greed blinded him to the practicality of AC and he built obsolesence into the manufacturing of bulbs


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