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Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Aftermath Of Irene

I decided to get in the car this morning and take a ride into Salisbury to see how bad things were. By the time I got to my neighbors house I thought, what the hell am I doing. Based on the fact that we have some monstrous trees and open fields along the way, if anyone was going to see anything we'd see it in the country first.

As you can see from the images above, Irene wasn't Jack! Someone needs to open up a "Used Lumber" store in Ocean City and Salisbury. Rather than throwing away all that plywood, maybe someone with enough smarts could put a few hundred thousand dollars in their pocket by re-selling it. I mean, who cares if there's spray paint on one side saying, "OPEN" on it.

Ocean City is re-opening Mr. Ireton. Are you going to lift that curfew, or what? One thing I do know, Salisbury News will be the last place to find out if he does. LOL


  1. yea joe , mr theoblad from oc said irene was going to be gloria on steriods!!!!!!!! maybe he should head back up north with all the rest of the liberals and know it alls.what a waste of air he is

  2. He still sleeping it off probably.

  3. You guys going, oh, it wasn't nothing. Well, good, it didn't turn out as bad for US here as it did for others, like the 11 YO kid who's dead from a tree coming through the apartment.

    We were lucky and some of that plywood may have spared some damage. Would you have preferred people not prepare and then have Irene played out as something worse?

    I just don't get the Tarzan yelling here about how stupid everyone was for trying to take Irene seriously. That only encourages people to not take the next one seriously that does turn out to be serious.

    All hurricanes should be taken seriously. They don't care what you think they may or may not do.

  4. Just got back to Salisbury from touring as far south as Nelsonia Va including riding over to Chincoteague. No major damage anywhere along the main route. A few trees down but thats about it.

  5. amen 10:34. preparation is never wrong. we got lucky, but there was a death from the storm in queenstown.

  6. We all should be thankful that it was not that bad. Don't grip that it was not what it was reported.
    Less damage is best.

  7. Jimbo if your staff and you cant control your decisions any better than this then maybe you should stick to something you can control. Like used cars in downtown Charlotte.

  8. I don't understand. Would people rather there be devestation and deaths so that the money hadn't been wasted on plywood? Why aren't we thankful this morning that our loves one are safe and our city isn't destroyed. So what if there was a curfew? So what if the news said it would be worse. This is a reason to rejoice, not find petty complaints.

  9. Better be safe then sorry...I was prepared and I know so was alot of others...Wboc, I think was trying to scare the bbeegeeebeees off of us...I got so I turned it off...good Job Joe for what you did to keep all updated...Thank God Irene has gone to Hell!!!!

  10. We would not have this problem of multiple power outages during storms if Delmarva Power and Choptank Electric would monitor and maintain their right of ways. At the very least the power companies should monitor and evaluate the right of ways to make sure the property owners have trees cleared from the power lines. Any time you ride down a road such as Old Ocean City road and see branches and trees grown over the power lines you know that is a power outage waiting to happen. The City of Salisbury and Wicomico County should make sure power line right of way maintenance is in their Property Maintenance Codes. Just think about how much money, time and manpower is wasted on responding to these calls if the codes were enforced to exercise property maintenance around the power lines.


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