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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

4 Ways Debt Deal Betrays Conservatives And Short-Changes America

Americans who want less government are the big losers in the debt deal. Republicans’ fearful leaders didn’t merely acquiesce to a phony deal. They also helped enshrine Obama-level spending and deficits, put off meaningful entitlement reform and gave the biggest spender ever to enter the Oval Office a solid platform for reelection.
The deal relies on some of the oldest tricks in the Washington.

First, the cuts in the supposedly $2.4 trillion deal are heavily back-ended over a 10-year period. Previous cuts of this style were enacted in law during the Reagan and Clinton administrations. When the out years finally arrived, the promised cuts were easily circumvented and ignored.


  1. "biggest spender ever to enter the Oval Office"

    Fox news thinks if they repeat this over and over it will be true and everyone will forget about the last administration.

  2. The most important part of this legislation is the creation of a Super Committee in Congress.

    It will aleviate lawmakers from their judicial responsibilities for our Nation. It will place the power to tax (among other powers including gun control?) in the hands of a few elite Congresspersons who are "appointed" by the Congressional Leadership.


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