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Monday, July 25, 2011

White House, Republicans Spare Over Length of Debt Limit Increase

Speaker of the House John Boehner and the Obama administration sparred Monday morning over the length of the debt limit increase, trading barbs through blog posts and press releases.

Boehner slammed the president for putting politics before the good of the country, while the White House pointed out that Republicans are on the record opposing a short-term debt limit deal.

After talks broke down again Friday night, Boehner went to work negotiating a deal with his colleagues on Capitol Hill. At that point, it seemed the speaker had set his mind on a short-term debt deal to get the country past the August 2 deadline.

In an interview with Fox News Sunday, Boehner publicly chided the president for continuing to push for a larger, broader deal. “I know the president’s worried about his next election,” said Boehner. “But my God, shouldn’t we be worried about the country?”



  1. Spell check...."Spare"

  2. Somehow, someway-we need to get President O out of office. We all know this is a political move for him on his election campaign, but to hold people that depend on SS hostage and to decline budgets because they don't work with your bid for election is just another sign he is out of control.

  3. We could send him to Norway!


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