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Friday, July 29, 2011

Today’s Survey Question – 07/29/2011


  1. 1.) public schools are "public", right? there should be no reasonable expectation of privacy there.

    2.) a phone shouldnt be in the classroom, period (or exclamation point!).

    3.) could catch a few sexters (future deviants)!

    word verification - insein! lol

  2. There has to be a reasonable suspicion that a student has broken a school rule...this was established by the Supreme Court case NJ v. TLO...searching the phone of a student would be the same as searching their locker or backpack. School officials have the duty to protect the safety of ALL students during the school day.

  3. 11:11, and 11:39
    You're both wrong.
    The phone is the private property of the student and the school has NO right to search that property!
    they can confiscate and turn over to parents or a legal authority, but they have NO right to rummage through private stuff.
    Next you'll be saying it's okay to remotely turn on a webcam and spy on kids

  4. Absolutely not. Just ANOTHER intrusion into our lives. A search without warrant (what are they going to do with the info they come across? Give it to the police? Who then, perhaps, take action on info they got without a proper warrant? ) Keep blurring the lines of our freedoms and protections, you goosestepping nazi's. One day you'll be screaming about what they (the government, the police, the schools, etc) are doing to YOU. By then it will be too late. But you are too focused on giving up everything our fathers fought and died for, and proving to your masters what a great citizen you are, that you can't see what you have become.


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