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Friday, July 15, 2011

So You Think You Can Fix The Federal Budget, Give It A Shot

You too can join the struggle. To balance the federal budget, that is. A new computer game called Budget Hero lets anyone make a stab at creating a federal fiscal plan. Version 2 of Budget Hero is just out. It updates the original, published in 2008. It works like a war game, showing the effects of cutting here, spending there, or raising and lowering taxes. Players pick from more than 100 policy cards, trying to earn badges that reflect their politics. The game was developed by the Woodrow Wilson Center, a think tank, and National Public Media.


  1. I can fix it in less than a year.
    First we must attack all countries
    in the oil producing areas.
    We must take over the oil industry world wide.
    We will then have money comming out of every orfice .
    Simple solution , to a simple problem.
    They have used the oil for years against us , so nuke them.
    Survival of the fittest

  2. To 1:55 -- it's good to see that they have Internet access at mental hospitals. You may want to take your meds before you log on, though.

  3. Actually, I can fix it.
    The sun will rise and the flowers will bloom just the same.

  4. 2:41 PM

    lol how true.

    Know those commercials on t.v. about helping people get out of debt?

    Wonder if the gov. has their number. lol


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