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Friday, July 22, 2011

President Obama Extends Unemployment Benefits

President Obama Re-authorizes Federal Unemployment Extension for 2012 Due To Continuously High Unemployment Numbers

In the darkness of unemployment, there is still a glimmer of hope for 13.7 million Americans currently collecting unemployment shown on Unemployment-Extension.Org (as of May 2011).

President Obama has reauthorized the federal unemployment extension benefits for another 13 months. That means eligible unemployed workers will still be able to collect maximum benefits while trying to secure a new job.

The unemployment extension is sorely needed otherwise the state agencies will not be able to cope with the catastrophe. Imagine the millions of homeless, angry and desperate people who have nobody to turn to. They have no check. No income. An extension would be a life line for these people until more jobs open up to Americans. Unemployment-Extension.Org trends show there are currently four times more people looking for jobs than there are jobs available.

The problem of joblessness is heating up like a nuclear plant - it could well blow up into a national emergency if it is not resolved soon enough. Most wonder if the news media has given sufficient coverage to the problems of the unemployed. It would not be a popular subject until the November election. Neither is it visual enough for the television camera - there are no dead bodies in the street or oil-covered birds or floods in the street.


  1. You aren't guaranteed a unemployment check in the event of a job loss, unfortunately. Good for those who are blessed enough to get checks to help them get by. We are still trying to dig out of the hole that was created when there was a job loss in our household. Thankfully, we both have jobs now! :-)

  2. People on unemployement for this long are almost unhirable.

  3. Best news I've heard , I don't like workin anyway , haven't worked in 15 years. Don't have to if you know how to beat the system.
    Get my groceries free and my booze free , my telehone is free amd my rent is free. Now I gets more unemployment free. just have to know somebody at the Unemployment place. New ride too.Thanks Obama , you the man. America is great!

  4. 4:28, you are an idiot. This is NOTHING to joke about.

  5. I ain't jokin , you just jealost

  6. He probably not jokin"...

  7. He damn sure can't spell.

  8. He was too smart for school.


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