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Saturday, July 02, 2011

Plans for Oktoberfest Brewing in Berlin for This Fall

Berlin could have the opportunity to match its German namesake this fall if Worcester County matches the town’s move to approve a day of beer sales during an Oktoberfest event.

During its Monday meeting, the Berlin Town Council unanimously approved a one-day permit to sell beer in a public beer garden on Oct. 15 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Berlin’s Economic and Community Development Director Michael Day presented the plan and placed great importance on the vote because the town had never approved such a motion to sell beer downtown before.

“This is unlike the drink stands that are usually set up outside of the Atlantic Hotel for events such as May Day Play Day and the Jazz and Blues Fest,” Day said. “That selling is all on private property, and all managed by the Atlantic Hotel. This would be on street property in a fenced-in beer garden, and the Berlin Chamber of Commerce would be doing it.”



  1. Is that girl in the picture going to be there serving beer?
    I want to marry her!

  2. This has been suggested multiple times in Salisbury, especially after the beer tasting a couple years ago.

    Ireton is too busy getting photo opps with state officials and holding press conferences to bash other local officials.

  3. I will say that Berlin can't do worse than the Ocean City Oktoberfest event held at the Convention Center. I'll never forget my first visit.The Convention Center was only serving 1 beer and that was Heineken. Like a dummy, I went back the next year and it was no better. Haven't been back since.

  4. Except for the drunks that are sure to show up, I think that would be a good thing.

    Just make sure you have a sober driver going and coming.

  5. "Except for the drunks that are sure to show up"

    Now, if you were talking about the annual Firemen's convention, I would agree wit you.

    The OC locals and surrounding citizens are mostly very civil and behaved. A quality Octoberfest would be a good thing. After all, Wild Bill's in OC offers an under $2 draft beer even this weekend. They are hungry as are most OC merchants.

  6. 8:32 PM

    I was speaking in general. I was not targeting a certain group of people. Happy 4th.


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