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Friday, July 15, 2011

Pawlenty Raises $4.5 Million

Republican presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty is set to report that he has raised $4.5 million so far and has some $2 million in the bank.

The former Minnesota governor's campaign says it will report about $1.4 million in cash on hand for the primary contest. Another $600,000 will be available only if he wins the GOP nomination.

Those tallies include roughly $160,000 he brought in during the first days of his campaign, before the current April-to-June reporting period began.

Friday is the deadline for presidential contenders to file their second quarter reports with the Federal Election Commission. The reports — showing their donors, spending and debt — will be early barometers of each campaign's viability.

from the Washington Examiner / AP

1 comment:

  1. He couldn't stand up to romney who was standing right beside him in the "debate", yet he has little compunction for attacking bachman, a woman who was nowhere near him at the time. I was looking at him as a "possible". Key here is the word WAS.
    Chauvanistic coward!


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