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Friday, July 29, 2011

Obama's Exclusive George Soros Waivers

by Michelle Malkin

"Millionaires and billionaires," President Obama says derisively, must make more "sacrifices" and live by the same rules the rest of America lives by. But there are seven little words that will never appear on the White House teleprompter: "And that means you, too, George Soros."

For all his (and his wife's) bashing of greedy Wall Street hedge-fund managers, Obama has shown nothing but love to the world's most famous hedge-fund mogul. The feeling is mutual and deep(-pocketed).

Soros and his family shelled out $250,000 for Obama's inauguration, $60,000 in direct campaign contributions and untold millions more to liberal activist groups pushing the White House agenda. While the class warrior-in-chief assails conniving financiers who exploit loopholes and corporate titans who imperil the planet, he lets the Soros exemptions to his attack-the-rich rules slide like butter on a hot plate.



  1. This makes him no different than any other President/Polititian does it?

  2. o but it does. soros wants to bring the u.s. down and he has all the little puppets in place to do so. one world gov't.; one world money. devalue our money. the sorry story goes on and on.

    this is what happens when we "sheep" are led. when the "lame stream media" won't do it's job by vetting those that are running for public office; especially the highest office in this great land.

    yes; my dear, there is a huge difference here and we will ALL suffer for this. i do pray the upcoming election will give us better people; but if young; uneducated; uninformed; government educated people living off the government(our money) vote we probably won't make it.


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