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Monday, July 18, 2011

Guy Arrested For Saggy Pants Plans To Sue US Airways

Yesterday, all charges were dropped against a University of New Mexico football player who was thrown off a plane and arrested by a US Airways pilot last month for wearing pj's that sagged off his posterior. Today his attorney says that Deshon plans on suing US Airways over how he was treated.

Deshon's attorney said his client had faced "a great deal of adversity" and public humiliation over his ordeal, and that US Airway has yet to either apologize or give a refund for the $500 flight he missed.

The football player had been told by a crew member to pull up his pants but his hands were full and he said he would do so when he got to his seat, according to his attorney. Police say that after Deshon reached his seat, he argued with the pilot for 10 minutes, and he allegedly got physical with police officers when they arrived. Deshon was arrested on suspicion of battery on a police officer, resisting arrest, and trespassing.



  1. walkiing around with your pj/underwear showing didn't humiliate him? This is just another BS case where someone is trying to get money.

  2. you look like a fool with your pants on da ground.

  3. Gee, I wonder why these scum people don't get no respect.
    Pants hanging down?

  4. They should have thrown him off the plane MID FLIGHT. Why is it that these very rude people think showing everyone their underwear and behinds is acceptable. This is not an expression of culture it is just indecent exposure!

  5. Well it all comes from the prisons!
    He must be a receiver!lol
    pun intended!
    Got what he deserved!


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