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Friday, July 15, 2011

Falsely Accused Man Awarded $852K

Unfounded allegations of child sexual abuse cost a Severn man months of quality time with his two young daughters and his job as a mortgage consultant with a local bank.

A county jury found that the false light put on Darryl Ginyard and the punitive damages he incurred after his ex-wife falsely accused him of sexually abusing their children were worth $850,000.

Last week's decision came more than a year after another county Circuit Court judge awarded Ginyard full custody of his girls, now 7 and 8 years old.

Ginyard was seeking $13 million in damages from his ex-wife, Amani Ginyard of Hanover, in a two-day civil hearing in Circuit Court in Annapolis.



  1. He will never see a dime she belongs in jail for 20 years.

  2. So he gets less then a million dollars when suing for 13 million ? This woman pretty m,uch ruined his life.

  3. I think a public broadcast apology from his ex-wife is in order. I hope he uses that money for his daughters, though he will probably never see it.

  4. The truth is that these types of vindictive accusations happen ALL the time, even here in Wicomico County! Time for Social Services to open their eyes and start looking at the mothers who falsely accuse the dad's that are TRYING to be in the kid's life! Look up Parental Alienation Syndrome if you want to learn something.

  5. The government needs to get the heck out of our personal lives.

    200 years ago this man would have handled this "wife" in a manner that none of us would even know about.

    Privacy is a human right. It does not come from government.

  6. 11:36 so you being the manly man should be able to "deal" with your wife however you please? Did you miss a rung on the evolutionary ladder?


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