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Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Jurors have reached a verdict in the trial of Casey Anthony, who is accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter.

Fate of Casey Anthony — the Florida woman accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee — hangs in the balance as jurors say they have a verdict in the case; verdict to be read at 2:15 p.m. EDT.

From Fox News

UPDATE: Verdict, NOT GUILTY on 1st degree murder! Not guilty on child abuse. Not Guilty on aggravated man slaughter. Guilty of giving false information to law enforcement. Not guilty on second degree murder.

Casey is crying and her lawyer is smiling. The ONLY thing she is guilty of is lying to law enforcement. She will be sentenced Thursday at 9:00 AM, EST.


  1. Prosecution screwed the pooch. *shakes head*


  2. This is the world we live in...

  3. The end of the world is coming. Are you ready?

  4. ? Really? The woman received a fair trial and received a not guilty verdict, yet you guys think you know more than the jurors who have sat through the entire case? Either you believe everything that Fox News and Nancy Grace told you or maybe you conservatives really don't agree with the "innocent till proven guilty" philosphy of American courts. Meanwhile we have more and more people coming out of jail after 20+ years (especially black men) who were wrongfully convicted, often due to misconduct by law enforcement/the prosecution. Yet you think these guys are infallible?

  5. I'm not sure I believe in the U.S. Justice system, anymore. Now for sure there have been two high profile trials on TV that have ended unjustly. Poor Caylee - laying dead in the swamp while her Mother is just partying and laying around!

  6. Well a precious little girl is still dead so I wonder how she got that way? I certainly hope Casey can live with her lying self - if guilt doesn't get to her sooner or later, I'd venture to say someone will. There are alot of mad people down there in Florida regarding this decision. All that jury could do was find her guilty of providing false info to a law enforcement officer? Something very wrong with that.

  7. You know what? The state didn't prove their case. I believe she had something to do with it, BUT our legal system instructs us that there can not be a guilty verdict unless it has been proven without a shadow of a doubt.

  8. 3:11 why don't you move to a country with a better justice system? I think Iran would be a perfect place for you or maybe Saudi Arbia.

  9. I would bet that would this have happened in Iraq or Saudi Arabi, she would not be walking free

  10. Alex,
    Just because some of us realize our own Government is corrupt and evil, does not mean we want to leave the Country of our Birth.

    We hate this government BECAUSE it is corrupt and has destroyed our Country. No we will not leave.

    Get over yourself.

  11. I bet Alex practices ballet in his spare time.

  12. 3:19
    Proof is to be beyond a reasonable doubt, not beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  13. So, will there be additional investigation to try to find out if there is another person responsible for this child's death?

  14. maybe you conservatives really don't agree with the "innocent till proven guilty" philosphy of American courts.

    That is correct in some cases. People love to condemn and feel holier than thou.

  15. no, she was exonerated "beyond the shadow of doubt". The law asks for "beyond REASONABLE doubt".

  16. You CANNOT convict someone with out any evidence!! Sorry, but to convict a person based on circumstantial evidence is pure BS. They just couldn't find a great story to tell to get her convicted. Maybe we needed to send a low class Prosecutor down there to make up a great story. All I have to say is "Justice is Blind". While innocent people have gone to prison, others have walked, and this is one of those times.

  17. Enough evidence could not be found because of all the lies that were told and the child's body was not found until all they had was bones.
    I hope the defense team never have a precious family member taken away from them, like Caylee was. If they do maybe they will see the not quilty verdict was nothing to celebrate.

  18. She was deemed 'not guilty'. Sometimes that is not the same as 'innocent'.

    It is worse to send an innocent person to jail than it is to let a guilty one walk.

    I trust the jury did their best with what they had to work with.

  19. I thought the defnition of "innocent" was "free of or from guilt". So, wouldn't that explain the term "innocent until proven guilty"..?..?

  20. The burden of proof is on the state. They could only prove she was a liar and not a good mother.


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