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Monday, July 11, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Obama Holds Press Conference on Debt Talks

President Obama holds a press conference to discuss ongoing deficit-reduction negotiations with leaders of Congress.

From Fox News


  1. Mr. Obama, please shut up and go away!

  2. This is a photo op. Nothing nore and nothing less. The repubs are going to cave in and the debt ceiling will be raised. The country will go further into debt. There will be another round of quantitative easing and the value of the dollar will drop even further. This is yet another step toward never being able to get out of this. Collapse is inevitable and a one world currency is waiting in the wings. We are being sold a bill of goods and taxation without representation is again the flavor of the day.

  3. They are preparing us to pay more taxes and get less services from our government. That has been the plan all along. Getting us ready for it is the hard part.

  4. A very sad time for America. This President cannot lead or bring this country together. We are sinking in debt for programs that fail time after time and the middle class is rapidly disappearing. Our nation's morals and foundation building beliefs are villifed and detroyed everyday and we do nothing. Maybe we deserve what is happening to us. The principals of our forefathers were obtained by sacrifice and a true belief that principals were worth fighting for. Perhaps we need to examine ourselves and make a determination to sacrifice in order to maintain our democracy, our middle class and those values that built this great country. It's a shame, but the professional politicians, such as our president, have no idea of the core values that were at one time possessed by our citizen politicians. We are in serious trouble and this country is rapidly falling apart. Where are the citizen politicians and when will we start fighting to regain our lost values and morals?


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