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Thursday, July 07, 2011

Body of Pasadena Man Recovered from Magothy River

The body of James Robert Kane, 25, of Pasadena, was recovered from the Magothy River near Dobbins Island by Maryland Natural Resources Police, officials said in a statement Thursday.

Kane went missing after a boating accident on July 4. Kane and a woman were thrown into the water after turning their 17-foot boat too sharply, police said. The woman was picked up, uninjured, by a second boat.

Kane's body, which was recovered Wednesday morning, was taken to the medical examiner's office for an autopsy.

from Steve Kilar @ the Baltimore Sun


  1. Sounds fishy to me... How can A boat be near by to get the women, yet not the guy? Why didn't the women say anything about the guy with her in the boat?

  2. Dobbins Island is very crowded on weekends and more so on the 4th. It would have been impossible not to be spotted. The missing individual was reported at the time the female rescue was reported.

  3. two words. LIFE VEST


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