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Monday, July 18, 2011

Atlanta TV Station Breaks Big Story - National Disgrace


  1. The muslim in chief strikes again.

  2. When are the people of this country going to wake up and rebel against our out of control tyranical government? If it doesn't happen soon, it will be too late (if it isn't already).

  3. God forbid any government money should go to refurbishing churches here in the USA. Giving my money to people who will ALWAYS hate us is disgusting and moronic! Also, where is the separation of church and state that the libs demand?

  4. Typical, not looking at the big picture. do any of you know little $700 Million is compared to the cut rate oil prices we get from Egypt. We pay less for gasoline than anybody! Guess why? Not a drop in the bucket compared to what the USA coild be giving hem for the same oil other countries pay much more for. Why do you think are gas prices are not $7 a gallon. let your govt. do it's job and you keepn doing the fine job you are. thanks and open yor eyes folks

  5. Anon 1510 -

    Sorry Skippy. Egypt only exports 89,000 bbl / day or oil. Guess what? It ain't to us.

    Would you like to try again?

  6. 3:23 PM

    Why do so many people make things up as you pointed out? Don't they know they will get busted? geesh

  7. This is a joke--we are just like a heard of cattle to the government and they are using us for whatever purpose they feel necessary, while our own deficiet continues to esculate... Where is common sense amoung this ignorance? Our government needs to do their job and get the USA Financial matters in order! Then we would be in a better position to help other countries. Our country is truly in trouble, and many are blind to the facts! I feel very sorry for the people of the USA, and this is pure misuse of our tax dollars by the people in charge-- who is in charge? God Bless America; because we really need it! And that includes any God you believe in....

  8. This is simply someone looking for a story who knows that there are a few crazy people out there that think Obama is a Muslim and that anything that, in a zealot's mind, could link Obama to Islam is money. All this is, is the US Government trying to be a good neighbor. EVERY administration makes an attempt to influence the rest of the world and in the Middle East, this may be as good a way as any... It sure beats guns and bombs. You guys need to get a life and look at the whole picture instead of just searching for something, anything, to support your beliefs.

  9. From: anAmerican
    Anonymous is nuts and has gone through the obama wash cycle!-he has posted several times defending a mud-smudged-face administration that has brought ruin and shame to our country. Who ever thought that helping to build mosques would be a good thing? the muslims, of course! who is continuously behaving like terrorists? the muslims of course! and how continues to defend them and get them out of prison? obama and his good pals around him: his orchestrated team of legal goons!
    what obama doesn't understand is that he is being used and when he finds out; it will be too late!
    The sad thing about his appointment is that he was the first black president and has left a history to remember: The Worst President in U.S. History!
    All that can be said now is:
    Please Dear Lord, Save us from our Enemies at the White House and from within and abroad, Thank You

  10. Anonymous is nuts and has gone through the obama wash cycle!-he has posted several times defending a mud-smudged-face administration that has brought ruin and shame to our country. Who ever thought that helping to build mosques would be a good thing? the muslims, of course! who is continuously behaving like terrorists? the muslims of course! and how continues to defend them and get them out of prison? obama and his good pals around him: his orchestrated team of legal goons!
    what obama doesn't understand is that he is being used and when he finds out; it will be too late!
    The sad thing about his appointment is that he was the first black president and has left a history to remember: The Worst President in U.S. History!
    All that can be said now is:
    Please Dear Lord, Save us from our Enemies at the White House and from within and abroad, Thank You

  11. This just doesn't surprise me at all! Separation of "Churh" and State, eh? $750 million dollars!!! I wonder how much more money is spent on such unworthy of endeavors? This is just a drop in the buket. What "WE" are not stating here, is this money is "BORROWED" money that "WE" the USA does not even have. How much interest is being paid to fund such a rediculous endeavor? Why is wrong with US (I do mean that both as US and the United States). Save that money, put it toward our DEBT Idiots, as well as all other monies going to foreign countires THAT WE DO NOT HAVE.

    How does this happen? How do we let this happen? Did we all have a say in how our tax dollars are being spent? Yes, this is our money we "donate" to the government to spend "So Wisely". We shoud cut our Social Security, right! We should not have heath care, right! We should never spend any tax money on any religeous endeavor, right!!

    It is not only sad and sickening, but appalling that this kind of thing is happening at all and even worse is that it is not stopped and we are still sending huge amounts of money, that we do not have by those that are supposed to be working for OUR BEST INTERESTS!!!

    Not happening people, not at all!

  12. Anonymous... WE pay less for gas for one simple reason: taxes. OUR government, state and fed, don't add $5/gal in taxes. IT's just that simple... so instead of attacking others for not knowing what they're talking about, perhaps you should do your homework first...

  13. AHH, Tom, your goverment add's $.80 per gal on gas, and complains that the oil companty make .07 profit. When America wakes up they will see that Obama's plans are to wreck our economy, that fact will take down the world's last super power. When that happens, his Muslim kin will have little resistance to install a world caliphate.

  14. The Political CLASS runs the government, not you (us). We keep electing them and they keep doing what they want to do. It may be too late to get them out. The divisions are too deep and too concentrated. Afro-Amer, Gays, permanent Welfare payees, and other ethnic groups with the demos and the White males that dominate the repubs. No change coming. Just more and more until there is no more resourses then we decide what to do in the old fashioned way. No good news on the horizen.



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