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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Writer Sells 1 Million Self-Published Kindle Books

The publishing industry may be struggling, but you wouldn't know it from the success of some ebook writers, including one who has become the first self-published author to sell 1 million Kindle downloads.
Moco News reports the author, John Locke, is one of only eight to have earned the distinction. His latest book is appropriately 45titled How I Sold 1 Million Ebooks in 5 Months.
The 60-year-old man from Kentucky has written nine novels and sells them for $0.99. That includes his thriller Saving Rachel, which made it to the New York Time's ebook bestseller list.
If you read ebooks, what sort of books do you buy, and how much does pricing play a factor in what you'll try?
The First Self-Published Author To Sell 1 Million Kindle Books [Moco News via Engadget]
from Phil Villarreal @ The Consumerist

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