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Friday, June 24, 2011

Workers? On Rt. 13 Seem To Be Debating A Lot

If we lean a little harder on this railing it should bend another 20 degrees.

Now Charlie over there thinks I'm gonna bust my butt on a hot day like today and that just ain't gonna happen, you?

Well, hell no. Its Friday and I got me a BBQ goin on at 3, ya hear.



  1. Well it looks like the city because when then come downtown... they have 3 to 5 to just open a meter box lid and look at the water meter reading so sounds about right...

  2. All government workers do this , state , county , city and jail.
    6 men doing a half of a mans job.
    I really do believe the state is the worse.(of course they had leaders like comegy and drewer.)
    set the example!

  3. You got it wrong. They are discussing how to stretch the project out to justify the over charged estimate of the project. Especially how much overtime are we going to get or how much overtime can we get by stretching it out and blame it on heavy traffic. Remeber it is cooler at night when the sun goes down and it means at least 1 1/2 for overtime. Nice paycheck.

  4. You should be ashamed of your self for posting a mindless piece like this one. You only post items like this to make yourself feel good about your opinions. You have no idea what these workers are doing. How can you or anyone else consider what you do reporting. You only post what supports your cliched ideas of government.

  5. 13 is maintained by the state. Are they fixing the moggles they put in when they upgraded the storm drains? I don't driving on the right side of 13 going south from Zion until the overhead bridge. It's ridiculous!!!

  6. Anon 1434 -

    Relax and don't be such an uptight ass! It was funny. If you or someone you know is on that road crew it's still funny.

    There's an old saying - "The mind believes what the eye sees." Well, in this case the eye saw a bunch of guys leaning up against a guard rail. If that was the first time ANY of us saw such a thing, OK.

    We all see the same thing ALL the time. Leaning on shovels ... Leaning on guard rails... Talking on their cell phones ... etc., etc.

    As for your comment about reporting, pop back in at 4PM. There are two stories. Both took a fair amount of time. One took over a week. Neither wound up where we thought they would.

    The difference is that we are willing to admit it.

  7. Soon these guys will have enough money to pay to play with the bulldozer.

  8. You have no idea what these workers are doing...

    I'd like to see one of you keyboard jockeys to go out and try to lay hot asphalt in this weather.I am sure you all would be working non-stop.

  9. Pictures are worth a thousand words, however they just might have been on break. Yeah maybe to long of a break.

  10. anonymous 3:34, Speaking for myself, I worked construction when I was young and quickly realized it was not for me. No one is defaming what they do. If you can't see the HUMOR in the Post, get a life. You can't deny they're just standing, (or leaning) around while traffic backs up to no end ON A FRIDAY.

    By the way, they're doing the asphalt AT NIGHT. Maybe if you got off your lazy rear end you'd know that already.

  11. anonymous 3:40, I passed them 4 times running errands and it was the same scene each time. That's why I pulled out the camera on my third trip by and took the shots.

    Then again, maybe they were on a government job break that lasts as long as theirs does.

  12. We traveled on Rt 50 today and they were cutting the one strip of grass that has not probably grow in weeks because there has been no rain. Instead they should either NOT cut it so soon or at least cut down the grass that is 3 ft tall.
    When are they going to finish that bridge in Salisbury? 13 is nuts trying to get through that narrow part of the road and make sure you are in the right lane since the left one never moves because it's the turn lane.
    The people that are just standing around need someone that is better at time management. When they get to where they are working they should ALL know what they should be doing instead of wasting time and money.

  13. The funny thing is, all these people, this picture and the bridge on rt 13 is all PRIVATE SECTOR workers. Not one is a gubament worker. How much cheaper do you really think privatizing is now? They are laughing all the way to the bank. This vs. a $10 or $11 an LOCAL government employee whose paycheck is spent locally and not in PA or Mexico.

  14. Don't know what its for but these guys are pulling some kind of cable through the pipe in the middle of the Rt 13. They have been doing it all week. The trucks on the road are Romal Electric.

  15. What I like better is the two guys working from a city truck that go around watering plants on the Downtown Plaza. Then Wed. I saw them on Eastern Shore Drive watering the trees. Thats one way for the tax dollars to keep people at work.

  16. Joe, you're correct they are standing around shooting the BS, but don't forget both State and County workers have taken furloughs days for the last 4 years and without a pay raise. So, think about that for awhile and you'll understand.

  17. Harrison and Albiero, I totally see the humor in it. It is funny because it is the instant picture most of us see. Even if one of my friends was posted like that I would be teasing the crap out of them, and they would give it back to me the same....so people need to lighten up and see the humor! Nobody says its not hard work, hot, etc...its just a funny pic!
    All news should not be so dang serious!

  18. 1. "Shovel ready" projects benefit local governments who spend their funds on efforts other than what the were collected from.

    2. Road construction work puts people with foreign work visas to work.

    3. There are 10 million Americans out of work. How many of these work in road construction? How many can work in road construction?

    No matter what happens during the 2012 elections, PLEASE don't send Joe Biden back to Delaware!

  19. It would be funny if it weren't for all the negative comments that people who work for the county and the city receive on a daily basis from idiots like some of you. Just because we work for government, doesn't mean that we don't work hard. If you are pissed with elected officials, take it out on them. Our "office" is out on the road, in clear view. Not hidden inside some office shootin' the BS over a water cooler, or giggling over a late. Even though these guys are clearly private sector NOT city, county, or state, you don't know what they are doing. Just say they are waiting for a load of material. What are they supposed to do? Break down the workzone and get in their trucks, riding around wasting fuel so you boneheads don't say they are standing around? No, unfortunately, if there isn't anything else to do, they have to wait around till material gets there. It's not like paper in an office closet, it could be on the other side of town. So, all of you saying that it is in fun, how about in your comments, write where you work and I am sure we can find something idiotic to say about you. We have been furloughed, assumed multiple jobs, and work our buts off to be public servants with rarely so much as a thank you, while we watch the biggest part of the county budget go to the school, who hasn't had to endure the furloughs or pay cuts, and had the nerve to give out raises the first year we were furlouged. If we have it so great, where were all of you over the years when we couldn't even get people to apply because the pay sucks so bad. The only thing we thought we had was a secure job, and a decent retirement (which we contribute greatly to) and now the council wants to screw with that. Yeah, real funny.

  20. wah wah wah. get over it. nobody has a gun to their heads forcing them to work, or in this case, not work.

    Everybody thinks they are so damn special. Newsflash: you are not.

    You gonna be like fire fighters who threaten not to put out fires when they are ridiculed?

    Or cops who won't show up for a call?

    Pathetic little whine babies with no sense of humor.

  21. (which we contribute greatly to)

    Take some of that money and go to night school.

  22. This is what is so frustrating about work that is done. Whether private contractors or city/county/state workers, it is all the same. They do more talking than working! It takes forever! Get it done, get it done right, and move on! Someone needs to supervise the supervisors.

  23. 12:20 am, news flash, you are an idiot. Never claimed to be special, just stating some facts. where do you work. Or are we all paying your bills? I never threatened to not do my job idiot, I have been doing it with a smile on my face for many years while listening to loudmouths like you. I am just stating facts. Why don't you put down where you work and let everyone bash on you for a while. 3:52, sorry Mr. or Mrs. Perfect. Is that all you got?
    6:44, do you know what they are talking about? I would rather them discuss what they are doing so that it is done right. You all have no clue as to what it takes to build infrastructure, especially whith traffic on it. I could explain to you why Rt. 13 is like it is, but I ain't gonna waste my time because you are clearly idiots.

  24. 8:40 AM

    Looks like I hit a nerve.lmao

  25. 10:17 it is ridiculous. People always assume the worst. I get the joke. But I also think it is telling that once it was pointed out that these were not government workers, but private industry no one backed down. The image of the lazy government worker is as intractable as it often false. Residents trash somehow gets picked up, their waste somehow gets disposed of, their water is safe and clean (unlike in several countries), but government workers don't do anything. They also pay 7% of their check for MD state retirement, but we need to reduce the "gift" retirement that we the citizens of the state "give" them. But hey, like this thread, don't let the facts get in the way of your false presumptions, prejudice or ignorance.

  26. Well said 8:25 pm and 2:32 pm. I am not a government worker, but I believe that local government is much different than that on the Federal level. I appreciate the work that they do, and agree that they get bashed unecessarily. It is the ignnorance of commenters like 10:17 that make it bad. But then again, if we new 10:17, we could probably talk about him/her all day long and have a laugh. Ignorance at it's finest.

  27. 2:32 PM 2:50 PM

    lol dude, you are too much. No argument, only name calling. And you call me ignorant. lol

    But it's ok, I can take it. When people say things that have no truth in it, it doesn't matter and it rolls right off my back.

    You on the other hand, take such offense to it, it would seem there is some truth to it and it bothers you.

    Regardless, someday, with a little maturity, perhaps you too will allow it to roll off your back.

    Either way it's of no consequence to me. In your case I think we have hit the nail on the head. Guilty conscience. lol


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