On June 23, 2011, the Obama administration announced that they will sell 30 million barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The reason for this historic action is "We are taking this action in response to the ongoing loss of crude oil due to supply disruptions in Libya and other countries and their impact on the global economic recovery," Energy Secretary Steven Chu said.
As our next President I will protect this vital National energy reserve for the purpose that it was created for; to provide a last resort energy for our military in times of defending our National security. Also, I will support, empower and trust the American people and the private sector to solve our economic and energy issues while my administration and I protect the Constitution of the United States of America and restore the freedoms that it gives to us.
Thomas J. Miller
Registered Candidate R., President of the United States of America 2012
Federal Election Commission ID: P20001947
Principal Campaign Committee:
Reduce Government w Miller for President ID: C00462010
while yeah this guy might just be the best bet for our next president.....but i mean really? come on now, do you really think you actually have a shot at being the next president??? Thats where i get confused here