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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

     On June 20, 2011 The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office conducted alcohol compliance checks  on several establishments in Worcester County. These checks are to locate establishments that have liquor licenses in the county, to make sure they are not selling alcoholic beverages to minors. The following establishments were found to be in violation by furnishing alcohol to a minor.

1)      Taylor’s Neighborhood Bar and Grill Nicholas Lane Berlin, Maryland
2)      Pizza Hut Nicholas Lane Berlin, Maryland
3)      Marina Deck Berlin Maryland
4)      Steer Inn Tavern Racetrack Road Berlin, Maryland

Those stores that were in violation were referred to the Worcester County Liquor control board for further action.

The following establishments did not serve a minor an alcoholic beverage.

        Snow Hill Area
1)      Super Soda Center
2)      Duck Inn
3)      Liquor Control Board

     Newark Area
1)      Newark Station

     Berlin Area

1)      Your Store
2)      Shop Kwik
3)      Liquor Control Board
4)      Cheers
5)      Friendship Food Mart
6)      Raceway Citco
7)      Barley Hops and Grapes
8)      Southside Beer and Wine
9)      Ritas World of Wine
10)   Whiskers Bar and Grill
11)   Noble Grape
12)   7-11 Ocean Pines


  1. Never understood this law. People knowingly go and try to break the law but they hold the establishment accountable.

  2. 12:53..
    Seriously..??..you don't get it?

  3. I don't get it either BECAUSE ...drum roll.....
    The majority of kids who drink have older people buy it for them!Every town has bums who for money will buy a kid any booze they want.Cops need to worry about THAT!

  4. 2:11

    And just forget about the stores that sell right to the kids (effectively eliminating that middle mn that you're concerned with).....right?!?!?

  5. My wife used to work for a bowling establishment in our town that served beer. The employees are really not trained very well to "spot" a fake ID. And do you know who are producing those fake ID's to the unbeknownst "victim"... the poor bastard trying to earn a little extra money to pay the bills?... the State Police! They have the best fake ID's out there! This "underage" patron, sent in by the State Police, produced a fake ID that looked real. She gave him a beer and was promptly served with a notice to appear in court. She had never been arrested, nor has she ever been given a moving violation. Her record is crystal clear and yet she had to appear in court for this and had to serve community service for this. I believe the underage trooper cadet should have been convicted for attempting to by alcohol as an underage person. Oh... wait a minute... they can do what ever they want. Try catching someone actually committing a crime instead of running radar and stings. It is all a money making scheme for the state. Just remember... when you are being a victim of a crime and seconds count... the police are only minutes away!

  6. Anon 606pm, I have taken part in a couple of those alcohol stings, and I think the info you are providing in your story is false.

    The MSP cadets that I accompanied were allowed to provide their own ID and see if they get served anyway or claim they didn't have it on them and try to get served. We never allowed them to use fake ID's or ID's that belonged to other people

  7. 9:27 PM

    Big whoop. The rest of what he says is true tho isn't it? Boo


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