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Friday, June 17, 2011

Why Is Weiner’s Muslim Brotherhood Wife Not Resigning?

Anthony Weiner resigned yesterday, unable to withstand the relentless pressure put on him for his sexting extravaganzas. Yet if an article written by former PLO terrorist-turned-Christian and Israel supporter Walid Shoebat (along with KTEM radio host Ben Barrack) is any indication, it may very well be that the wrong member of the family resigned. According to Arabic sources translated by Mr. Shoebat, Huma Abedin’s mother and brother are both associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ms. Abedin’s mother, Saleha Mahmoud Abdeen, is reportedly part of a special woman’s unit known as the Muslim Sisterhood or the International Women’s Organization (IWO) which, according to a counter-terrorism report obtained by the Terrorism Committee of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, operates within the Brotherhood in Egypt and possibly other Arab nations as well. The Egyptian newspaper Al-Dostor confirms that the Sisterhood includes 63 international members in 16 different countries.

The group is being portrayed by Western media in a benign fashion, as noted in Der Spiegel and on its Facebook page. But a report by the Egyptian opposition newspaper Al-Liwa Al-Arabi paints a far more ominous picture. It reveals that these women, who are “the wives of some of the highest-ranking leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood” are being recruited to:
[S]muggle secret documents for the members since women go undetected by security surveillance…to spread the Brotherhood’s ideology by infiltrating universities, schools and homes…to lay the plans for the Sisterhood to work at the state level…[and]…to fulfill the interests of the Brotherhood and also to benefit from international women’s conferences and unify all efforts to benefit the Brotherhood globally.


  1. Huma is simply an employee of the State Department assigned to Hillary. There is no basis for resigning. If however, she is a security risk, they could pull her clearance an place her where she would not have access to highly sensitive classified material.

  2. I think being tied to a terrorist group would be a reason for her removal. Why do Democrats always run to defend Muslim extremists?

  3. The absolute absurdity of this article astounds me. So much inflammatory rhetorical unfounded conspiratorial nonsense to inspire fear and misunderstanding it's appalling.

  4. I am just sruprised it took this long for the fringe to open up their "we hate all dem mooslims" attack on her. She has been working for the government for some time now. What took you guys so long?

  5. @ 3:09 pm June 17

    Really? Like the so called ties of President Bush to the Bin Laden family? Bush, tied to a terrorist group!!!! Why do Republicans always run to defend Muslim extremists?

    It's like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon my friend.

    oh... and what say you about Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal? Major share holder in Fox news... Muslim who has been alleged to having business with the bin laden family? A whole news organization being tied to a terrorist group! WHY OH WHY do Republicans always run to defend Muslim extremists!

    This is all just silly, and clearly an unfounded (and divisive) ploy to pray upon your fears and misunderstanding (by misrepresentation) of the facts...just as I did, in the paragraphs above.

    No major political party, Democrat/Republican, supports any sort of religious EXTREMISM. That's just silly, and an indefensible assertion.

  6. Jews involved with Muslim Extremism . . . hmmmmm

  7. I think coservative athiest is no conservative at all. Sounds more like a wet pants liberal to me. So what good does it do to have a name rather than anonymous.

  8. @5:14 pm

    Well played sir! Well thought out points with facts to substantiate assertions/opinions... articulated with purposeful prose! I commend you sir!

    You even included an ad hominem attack towards me in your post... I must say I am most impressed with your intellectual prowess sir.

    I particularly liked the bit about the dichotomy of anonymousness seeing you did not post your name, not even an alias, or Google account name. Nicely done!

    Oh... and just because I am an atheist, it does not mean I am not Conservative... and just because I identify as politically Conservative does not mean I walk in lock step with what every "conservative" figure head spouts. I do this novel thing called "using my brain" to form my own opinions, and never let someone else form them for me.

  9. How does some with this family background, who spent most of her young life in Saudia Arabia obtain a security clearance to work closely with the Secretary of State? She is not a desk jockey in a cubicle somewhere in Washington. She is, in fact Hillary's shadow.

  10. Thats weird,Weiner is a Jewish sounding name,and they usually despise Arabs and vice versa.

  11. Anonymous said...

    I think being tied to a terrorist group would be a reason for her removal. Why do Democrats always run to defend Muslim extremists?

    June 17, 2011 3:09 PM


  12. ConservativeAtheist said...

    The absolute absurdity of this article astounds me. So much inflammatory rhetorical unfounded conspiratorial nonsense to inspire fear and misunderstanding it's appalling.

    June 17, 2011 3:14 PM

    ConservativeAss I would say you are appalling!

  13. Why should his wife resign? Has she done anything that would dictate she resign?

    Some of you people are just brain dead.

  14. Her cover has been exposed thanks to her husband's acts of indiscretion. She will be put under further scrutiny which is a JOKE considering the company she has been keeping.


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