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Friday, June 17, 2011

We're Back

While Salisbury News continues to grow, we felt it was time to get back into the swing of being in Downtown Salisbury.

That being said, next week we plan on moving back into 300 W. Main Street on the Downtown Plaza.

We're excited about the move as many people have asked if they could drop something off or simply stop in to discuss issues. Starting Monday you'll be able to do so and we look forward to seeing/meeting you.


  1. Well that didn't take long

  2. Damn Joe, You have crossed the equator and have survied all the heat. Your the man and downtown Salis. will be a better place. However i think you and the NEWS may be subjected to attacks from the Mayor and Shannies MacD office.GOOD LUCK.

  3. Are you considering doing the video news programs again?

  4. Why don't you promote 3rd Friday anymore. It seems your site should give a big boost to downtown, since you own property down there.

  5. anonymous 5:34, Good Question!

    I'm in my building right now on 3rd Friday and it's dead. Most of the people here are vendors.

    GA Harrison stated at one point he wanted to promote the event and I asked him to hold off. I wanted to prove to him, (and others) the difference between when we do and don't promote 3rd Friday. You see, we've been asking the Mayor to send us the press releases on it and he refuses. So next month we'll promote it and show everyone just how well it can do.

    That's why.

  6. Good, so now when I piss on the door handle I will be assured that you will put your hand in it.

  7. Speaking of 3rd Friday please tell me why there was a ribbon cutting tonight at the event? And why in the world would a "Mayor" wear shorts and flip flops to the event??

  8. Couldn't sell the building for the amount you paid, could you?

  9. I thought the Third Friday turnout was great. It was a beautiful night to walk the plaza..Seasons Best also had a crowd down at the other end.

  10. 7:05
    don't flatter yourself. You know you are not man enough to aim that high.

  11. anonymous 12:29, aka, JT, why does it bother you so much? It doesn't bother me, not an ounce. The way I have always looked at things is, if it is meant to be it will happen. While I'll admit, that is the way I truly enjoy doing business because BOTH parties are always happy in the end.

    As for the sale of 300 W. Main Street, quite frankly I never got an offer. I did get friends of YOURS calling me and asking for numbers, refusing to give a name or phone number, so I never gave them what they wanted.

    Unlike you and or your friends, the building is paid for, cash. You would never understand what that means because you have NEVER purchased anything of this magnitude in your life. Instead, you suck off the taxpayers and lie to people telling them you don't live in the housing your in. Every one knows who lives in that development.

    Anyhow, we'll enjoy using the building and be right on top of things going on in Salisbury.

  12. anonymous 6:57, if its who I think it is, hell, he can't even reach IT, let alone even know what it looks like.


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