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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Should the Salisbury City Council Approve “The Bricks” Project?


  1. They CAN all get together and take out a loan and do whatever they want with it. If not NO. See if they are willing to spend money they owe as fast as they are ready to spend everybody elses. Idiots.

  2. G.A. Who knows, we spend resources and an entire year on a Towing policy, only to copy Ocean City's policy at the last moment. What is your opinion?

  3. NO! It should not even be considered.

  4. No. A very bad investment. Cost 3 times what it should and wont last 1 yr subject to the use of people that dont care.

  5. Absolutely NOT! Taxpayers have been paying through the nose enough. How about we let people earn what they have - it's a very intersting concept that my parent's taught me.

  6. NO - if they want to rehab it for government office building I will go for that! I can bet you that will never happen. lol

  7. Of course not, Ireton( and we know you read this blog). The city has no business in the rental industry.You've alienated this city with your astonishingly immature, inflammatory rhetoric. Please, please run for any office other than the one you hold. You will be humiliated. As a registered Dem who voted for you, let me say that I wouldn't pee on your teeth if they were on fire.

  8. This place will only go to the leaches on society. Work for what you deserve. NO MORE HANDOUTS

  9. No - unless others agree with Jimboy and Shanie that shameless, wasteful is the best thing to keep Salisbury on its disgusting downward spiral.

  10. NO!!
    Pretty soon you can call the whole city , "The Projects" or Life styles of the government assisted.
    "Salisbury , the minority City".

    What ,me work?

  11. NO Just another thing for the City to spend more money on. How about trying to figure out how to get back all the money you have lost in taxes with the hospital and college buying up all the land. What you need is people that want to move into city limits that will actually PAY taxes and not have their hand out for ever benefit there is. You get what you earn enough with the free hand outs. Get off your lazy butts and get a job!

  12. As a property owner in Salisbury I think we need to stop spending money on "special projects" and focus on real needs.

  13. I went to the board of elections yesterday finally and re-filed to change from Democrat to Republican. I've had all the BS I can eat. Ireton and Shields are a disgrace to any party.

    I just want to be ready for the 2012 primaries.

  14. I agree with Ray W.

    1:27, I'm thinking going independent, same reason.

  15. 12:30 PM

    What is the signifacance of you being a property owner in Salisbury? A lot of people are. Was that intended to make your post carry extra weight or something?


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